• Duluth High School PTSA
  • 2024-2025 Executive Board


  • Welcome Parents, Faculty, Students, and Community Partners!

    What we do

    Create an environment that supports our kids to become future community leaders, promote school spirit and recognize the dedication our teachers have for our students. We have an amazing Duluth High culture and your involvement MATTERS.

    All funds earned…

    Go back to supporting Duluth High School teachers, administration, students and families. Partnering with you and local community businesses is key to bringing events like these to life for our Wildcats!

    We bring you activities like: Spirit Nights, Teacher Appreciation Events & Treats, Spirit Wear, Homecoming Night, Student Treats for Finals Week, Senior Yard Signs, Classroom Supply Drive, Senior Celebration Activities, Annual Membership Drive Activities, Senior Scholarships, Community Trunk or Treat (Wildcatober), Teacher/Staff Holiday Treats, Finals Week Biscuits & Donuts and more – depending on your support.




    We can’t do this without you!

    We are a small group of volunteers serving 200+ teachers and staff and 2,700+ students. No amount of support is too small! We really appreciate anything you can contribute.

    We always need committee chairs for events, but you can co-chair. Or you can be part of a committee to do things like put together centerpieces, help raise sponsorship funds, work the coat check at Homecoming, set up/break down our PTSA tables at International Night, order spirit wear and sell it at school events, deliver treats to teachers during holidays, sell bottled water at the Duluth Fall Festival. Watch out for our announcements in email, social media, bulletin board outside the family center and the DHS newsletter Cat Tracks. 

  • About Us

    PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. We are a 501(c)(3), non-profit, volunteer-based organization where parents, educators, students, and citizens work together for the benefit of the school and our children. We proudly serve the Duluth High School community in Gwinnett County.

    Contact us at: DuluthHSPTSA@gmail.com

  • Be Informed, Get Involved

    Join today!

    Becoming a member does not mean you have to run a committee!

    Members get added to our mailing list. You’ll be the first to know about events, volunteer opportunities and donation needs.

    Plus, you get to know the teachers and staff better. You get to know parents from all around the Duluth cluster and Duluth community members.

    All of this helps us build a network of Wildcat supporters that help our teachers, students and school succeed.

    Email us if you need help learning more about volunteer opportunities, or to join our mailing list. 

    Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for instant news on what we are doing today.

  • Publix, Kroger & Amazon Smiles Programs

    You can support us when you shop or go out to dinner! Stay tuned for our announcements in the weekly DHS Cat Tracks newsletter and social media.

    We’ll let you know restaurants where we are having spirit nights or when we’re having a spirit wear pop up store.

    And don’t forget to set your favorite store’s community giveback program settings for
    Duluth High School PTSA.

    Companies will donate a part of the sales to us when you make a purchase at their store. Just update your profile settings for your account for Publix, Kroger, or Amazon Smiles, and set "Duluth High School PTSA" as your school charity of choice. That's it!

  • How We Support Our Seniors

    PTSA sponsors several activities for our graduating seniors:

    Baccalaureate, or senior showcase night  |  Senior Yard Signs   |   Scholarship(s)



    It’s a night for seniors and their families to celebrate accomplishments. PTSA helps prepare the program and hosts the event with refreshments. We showcase the many gifts and talents of our senior class and hear from some favorite teachers in a fun and inspirational event.  


    A close up of a cardDescription automatically generatedSenior Yard Signs:

    • Visit our PTSA website to order your customized yard sign! The sign has your student’s name and graduating year.
    • Yard signs are $25 until March 31. Between March 31 and May 5, the cost is $30.




    Depending on available funding, the Duluth PTSA awards up to two $1000 (or more) scholarships for those who plan to attend an accredited two or four-year college or university, vocational/trade school, or pursue other post-graduate education/training. 

    Check out our normal communication channels for application information and spring deadline

  • Thank you to our partner, Milagros Lockhart, in the Family Center for all her support in bringing our services to life for the DHS family.

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