Academic Programs & Pathways
- Duluth HS
- Career & Technical Education Pathways
Audio-Visual Technology & Film Pathway
The AVTF Pathway is designed to prepare students for employment or entry into post-secondary educational programs in the audio, video, technical and film industry. Students who complete the pathway (at the end of year 3) will have to opportunity to take the industry recognized Adobe certification test; and, if they pass, they will be industry certified in Adobe Premiere Pro. The AVTF pathway aligns itself with the student organization known as SkillsUSA which provides students with leadership training and reinforcement of specific career and technical skills. For more information you can visit the National SkillsUSA Website.
Contact: Sheri Long, Room 521A
Curriculum Requirements
Audio & Video Tech & Film I (Grades 10-11-12)
Audio & Video Technology & Film I & Oral Communications Class: There are no prerequisites for this class and it is open for all grade levels. It's a project based, hands-on learning environment that provides students with opportunities to express their knowledge and mastery of the AKS
through both individual projects and group projects. Students need internal motivation and the ability to work with others. Students learn basic audio visual editing, as well as verbal and nonverbal communication skills. This class is year long and students will earn 2 elective credits for this one
class - one in AVFT 1 and one for Oral Communications. Please see Mrs. Long in 521A if you have questions. -
Audio & Video Tech & Film II (Grades 10-11-12)
Audio & Video Technology & Film II will allow students to demonstrate knowledge of how film and video affects life and society through problem-solving activities, projects, and discussions. Additionally, study will be conducted on recent trends in mass communications. (Prerequisite: Audio & Video Technology & Film I)
Audio & Video Tech & Film III (Grades 11-12)
Audio & Video Technology & Film III will provide instruction in producing narrative videos. Students should be able to perform at an independent level of proficiency. This course builds upon prerequisite skills by requiring students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the body of video work created during the student’s high school career. (Prerequisites: Audio & Video Technology & Film I & II)
Computer Science Pathway
Students taking Introduction to Digital Technology and Computer Science Principles are fulfilling the prerequisites required for transitioning into AP Computer Science. After successful completion of all three classes, students will be eligible for a Computer Science Pathway Seal at graduation.
Contact: Charles Crane, Room 211
Curricular Requirements
Introduction to Digital Technology (Grades 11-12)
Introduction to Digital Technology is an introductory course for Web and Digital Communications pathway that is designed for students interested in computer science. This is a hands-on, project-based course covering many topics including hardware and software exploration, programming, networking, and web design.
Computer Science Principles (Grades 10-12)
Computer Science Principles is an introductory course that explores the broader aspects of computer science. This course will expose students to all aspects of computing, including the internet, the role of data, programming and social and global impacts. (Prerequisites Introduction to Digital Technology)
AP Computer Science (Grades 9-12)
AP Computer Science The AP Computer Science course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design. These techniques represent proven approaches for developing solutions that can scale up from small, simple problems to large, complex problems. (Prerequisites: Introduction to Digital Technology and Computer Science Principles)
Engineering Education Pathway
Today’s professionals in the engineering and technology field continue to revolutionize the way we live. They design, produce, operate, and maintain a variety of equipment and services we use in our everyday lives. The rapidly changing engineering and technology field requires a broad educational background and a lifelong commitment to learning new and specialized information. Overall job opportunities in engineering and technology are expected to be good, but will vary by specialty. Technology and technology‐ related employment will continue to increase as technology changes and new technology is invented.
For more information about the Student Associations related to Engineering Education click to access the Georgia Technology Student Association website or click to the National Technology Student Association website.
Contact: Jonathan Roy, Room 301
Engineering Curriculum Requirements
Foundations of Engineering & Technology (Grades 9-12)
Foundations of Engineering and Technology is the introductory course for all Georgia Engineering and Technology Education pathways. This course provides students with opportunities to develop fundamental technological literacy as they learn about the history, systems, and processes of invention and innovation. Emphasis is placed on geometric construction, fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting, and multi-view drawings. Students will see CAD in both 2-D and 2D platforms to learn drafting techniques through the study of geometric construction.
Engineering Concepts (Grades 9-12)
Engineering Concepts is the second course in the engineering pathway. This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of engineering. Students learn about areas of specialization within engineering and engineering design, and apply engineering tools and procedures as they complete hands-on instructional activities. (Prerequisite: Foundations of Engineering and Technology)
Engineering Applications (10-12)
Engineering Applications is the third course in the engineering pathway. Students have opportunities to apply engineering design as they develop a solution for a technological problem. Students use applications of mathematics and science to predict the success of an engineered solution and complete hands-on activities with tools, materials, and processes as they develop a working drawings and prototypes. (Prerequisites: Foundations of Engineering and Technology and Engineering Concepts)
Marketing Pathway
The Marketing Pathway teaches students the basics of business from a Marketing perspective, allow students to apply that knowledge to real-world projects, and then gain first-hand experience in a live business setting via the School-Based Enterprise (The Pack's Den - Marketing Lab). Upon completion of the Marketing Pathway students will be given an End of Pathway Assessment, which will test the knowledge that they have learned in their Marketing studies. Students whom successfully complete the pathway and pass the End of Pathway Assessment will be awarded a Pathway Skills Diploma Seal at graduation.
The Marketing Pathway is associated with DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) and information can be found by clicking on the website - Additionally, you can find more information about DECA at Duluth High School by following them on Instagram at decaduluth.
Contact: Brad Patillo, Room 208
Marketing Pathway Curriculum Requirements
Marketing Principles (Grades 9 - 12)
Marketing Principles presents employment opportunities in marketing, prepares students for job interviews, incorporates human relations and communications in business, and explores the role of marketing in our economy. A study of retail operations, career opportunities, store location and layout, organizational structure, and merchandising policies are covered.
Marketing and Entrepreneurship (Grades 10 - 12)
Marketing and Entrepreneurship A project-based course that allows students to apply the basic marketing knowledge learned in Marketing Principles to various real world situations/projects. The course also teaches students the basic knowledge needed to become an entrepreneur and start their own business.
(Prerequisite: Marketing Principles) -
Marketing Management (Grades 10 - 12)
Marketing Management Capstone course in the Marketing Pathway that allows students to apply the knowledge gained in Marketing Principles and Marketing & Entrepreneurship, in a real-world live business environment. Students learn to design products, implement pricing and marketing strate-
gies, perform market research and handle customer service.(Prerequisites: Marketing Principles and Marketing & Entrepreneurship )