• Student Withdrawal

    Student withdrawals will only be processed daily from 9:00 am-12:30 pm. 

  • How to initiate the process

    We wish your child the best during the transition to a new school! Please remember Withdrawal forms must be completed by the enrolling parent/guardian only.

    To withdraw your student:

    1. Email the Registrar at millcreekhsregister@gcpsk12.org to request a withdrawal form.
    2. Once the request is received, you will be contacted to complete the withdrawal process.

    Chromebook and charger must be returned.
    All textbooks and library books must be returned.
    All cafeteria charges and library fines must be paid.
    All rented calculators and uniforms must be returned.

  • How to transfer records

    Once your student has enrolled at the new school, that school will send a records request to Mill Creek High School, and then records will be transferred to the receiving school.

    • If the receiving school is a GCPS school, records will be sent by courier.
    • If the receiving school is not a GCPS school, records will be sent by U.S. mail.

      GCPS policy prohibits transfer of records by email or fax.