Honor Roll Recognition


    Report cards are issued at the end of the semester, and electronic progress reports are issued every other week during each semester*. A paper report card will be issued with all class grades at the end of each semester.  *The Parent Portal always has the most up-to-date grading information.

    The Gwinnett County Board of Education has adopted the following grading scale:

    A = 90 - 100 

    B = 80 - 89 

    C = 70 - 79

    F = 69 or below



    • Principal’s Honor Roll with Distinction: Starting in 7th Grade, students who earn All A’s every semester during their middle school enrollment will be recognized with Principal’s Honor Roll with Distinction. 7th Grade Students must have earned All A’s, in both semesters and All A’s during 6th grade. 8th Grade students must have earned All A’s for grades 6th, 7th, and 8th.  

    • Principal's Honor Roll All As  

    • Academic Honor Roll All As and Bs