Third Grade

  • Welcome to Third Grade!  The transition between 2nd and 3rd grade is a milestone year.  The third grade teachers encourage responsibility, independence, as well as academic achievement in the classroom.  The third grade team consists of teachers coming from a variety of places, knowledge and levels of experience. The team strives to challenge and enable students to achieve success through a positive learning environment.

    What is happening in third grade?

    • In Reading, third graders will become a more independent reader.  Students will use the skills learned to this point to become the best readers possible.  They will move beyond learning to read and begin reading to learn.
    • In Writing, third graders experience the writing process through Writer's Workshop.  Students diligently become improved writers through several types of writing genres. Students develop their skills through active engagement writing and publishing their work.
    • In Math, third graders work hard learning the multiplication facts.  These facts allow their success for all other math concepts throughout third grade and beyond.
    • In Science and Social Studies, third graders are engaged in learning about our government and many historical human/civil rights activists.  They are also always interested in the scientific experience while investigating heat, rocks and much more.

    The third grade teachers and students are very excited about our year ahead.  We are proud to be Learners and Leaders Everyday!