• Clinic

  • Ms. Valerie HendrixBandaid
    Duluth Middle School
    Office 770-232-3298
    Fax 770-232-3295
    A clinic worker is available during school hours to care for the health and welfare of the students. 

    If your child suffers from any health-related issues, a "Health Management Plan" (available at the clinic or through the corresponding links below) must be maintained on file in the clinic. These forms will provide us with all the medical information needed to best care for your child while at school. These health management plans must be renewed every year in case something has changed in your child's health care.

    Please, keep your child at home from school if he/she
    • Has a fever of 101 or 100.4 with symptoms. Children must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the help of fever-reducing medication, like Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Motrin (Ibuprofen), before they can return to school.
    • Recurring vomiting, diarrhea or severe abdominal pain.
    • Persistent cough, disruptive to class.
    • White of eyes is pink or red with yellow drainage/matting.
    • Persistent pain (ear, stomach, sore throat, etc.)
    • Suspected impetigo, lice or scabies that is not being treated.

Requested Donations

  • Please consider donating items to our clinic. We need the following:

    • Cough drops
    • Tylenol
    • Facial tissues
    • Band aids

    Please mark "For Clinic" on all donations.

Health Management

  • Medication Request

    All prescribed and over the counter medications must be accompanied by an Administration of Medication Request / Solicitud para Proveer Medicamentos. Medications prescribed by your doctor must be stored in the labeled prescription bottle when brought to school. Over-the-counter medications must be in their original containers. Medications brought to school in envelopes, baggies, etc., WILL NOT be administered.


    If your student suffers from asthma and needs to use an inhaler at school, please complete the Asthma Management Plan / Plan de Manejo del Asma and bring it to the clinic with the medication.  All inhalers must be kept in the clinic.  If you want your student to carry his/her inhaler during school hours, we need to have a doctor's note or his/her signature on the Asthma Management Plan to keep on file in the clinic.


    If your student suffers from allergies, please send the Allergy Emergency Plan Form / Plan para Tratar Emergencias Relacionadas con Alergias to the school with all the information.


    Other Health Management Plans

    If your student needs a health management plan for any of the following, please contact the clinic worker at the school. Forms will be provided for you to complete.

    • Seizures
    • Sickle Cell Disease
    • Spina Bifida
    • Cardiovascular

    Gwinnett County Public Schools offer voluntary Student health/accident insurance. Click here for Student/Health accident Insurance information.