• Dance/Step Team

  • Information

    The Dance and Step team is open to all seventh and eighth-grade boys and girls. Our team prepares high-energy/hip-hop style dancing and modern stepping routines for performance at all Duluth Middle School home basketball games. All styles of dancers are welcome to join.



    Start Date: TBD

    Games:  Home Games Only


    In order to try out, you must meet the following criteria:

    1. Your parent must create a Rank One account and upload the required forms. Please open and follow the Rank One Tutorial.
    2. You must have proof of insurance and showing good progress in academics and behavior during the first 9 weeks of this school year
    3. You must have passed 5 out of 6 classes in the spring semester of 7th grade
    4. You must not be a retainee
    5. You must not be a transition student
    6. You must have an active physical from a doctor (forms can be picked up in the front office). Physicals are good for one year (June 10-June 11, etc.)

     (Must be uploaded to Rank One)

  • Coaches

  • Schedule

  • Dance and Step