Head Elementary School
Where learning comes first!
- Head ES
- Information
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact Head Elementary?
School Address: 1801 Hewatt Road in Lilburn, Ga, 30047
School Phone Number: 770-972-8050
School Fax Number: 770-736-4498
When does school start and end?
The official school day begins at 8:50 AM and ends at 3:20 PM. Students are allowed to enter the school building beginning at 8:20 AM. On Early Release Days, school is dismissed at 12:50 PM.
Please Note:
- All checkouts must be done by 2:45 PM
- Car rider lane ends at 8:40 AM
How do I get to Head Elementary?
FAQ Content Accordion
Where can I view the GCPS calendars for this year?
Where can I find information about the current school year at Head Elementary?
Which administrator should I contact regarding my child?
If you have a specific question regarding your child, please contact the following:
Lakia Williams, Assistant Principal
First Grade, Third Grade, and Fifth Grade
Special EducationStacey Willis, Assistant Principal
Kindergarten, Second Grade, and Fourth Grade
Testing Coordinator -
How should I address concerns at school?
In our school district, we care about each and every student. We also believe that open and honest communication between parents and teachers is a key to student success. Thank you for partnering with your child’s teacher and school to address any concerns.
- Teacher - First, talk to your child’s teacher or a counselor at school for assistance. Most concerns are resolved at the classroom level.
- Assistant Principal - If the concern is not resolved at the classroom level, please visit with your child’s assistant principal.
- Principal - If working with the AP does not adequately address the issue, please meet with the school principal.
- Cluster Superintendent - If the issue persists, please call 678-301-6000, and ask to speak to the cluster superintendent who is assigned to the school your child attends.
- Chief of Schools - If, after following steps one through four, your concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Chief of Schools for School Improvement and Operations.
For more information, please visit the GCPS website.
- Teacher - First, talk to your child’s teacher or a counselor at school for assistance. Most concerns are resolved at the classroom level.
How can I edit information that GCPS has on file for my child?
Some information (address, phone number, physician, emergency contacts) can be edited through ParentVUE. For any information that cannot be edited through ParentVUE, please call or visit the school.
What time does my child eat lunch? When does my child go to Specials?
Please click here to view the lunch and specials schedule.
May I bring in outside food during my child's lunch?
We support the Wellness Program and therefore ask that you do not bring fast food into the school.
Birthdays are exciting for students. If parents want to bring a treat in for the class, it must be given out at lunchtime. Store-bought treats brought in for the class should be pre-arranged with your child’s teacher and may only be shared with your child’s class. Please be aware of allergy restrictions in your child’s class when selecting treats. (No balloons are permitted.)
For more information regarding cafeteria and lunchtime procedures, please click here.
What constitutes a "full day" of attendance?
To be counted present for the whole day, students must attend for at least the equivalent of half the school day. This does not have to be continuous time.
For more information regarding the GCPS Attendance Protocol, please click here.
What constitutes an "excused" absence?
- Personal illness of a student
- Serious illness or death of a student's family member
- Celebrating a religious holiday
For more information regarding the GCPS Attendance Protocol, please click here.
How do I notify the school of a transportation change?
A note from a parent/guardian (signed and dated with the date of the change of transportation), is required for any change to be made. This includes one day changes of transportation (i.e. bus rider to car rider/car rider to walker/bus rider to daycare, etc...)
If the child will be making a permanent change, the parent must fill out a county change of transportation form. We cannot accept a note for a permanent change but must have the parent/guardian either visit the front office or go to MyPaymentsPlus to fill out the form.
For more information regarding transportation, please click here.
Who can pick up my child from school?
Anyone picking up your child must be on the student's emergency check-out list. You can update your emergency contact information through the Parent Portal or by contacting the Front Office.
For more information regarding transportation, please click here.
Are there daycare centers that provide transportation to and from school?
Although we do not offer recommendations related to daycare providers, you may view a listing of daycare centers that provide before & after school childcare and transportation to Head Elementary.
For more information regarding transportation, please click here.
What are the requirements for my child to be promoted to the next grade?
Which assessments will my child take while in elementary school?
Can I purchase accident insurance for my child?
GCPS provides parents an opportunity to purchase accident insurance policies through K&K Insurance Group. There are several options for parents to choose from.
Plan brochures, enrollment applications, and claims assistance can be found on the K&K Insurance Group website.
Parents may also click here for more information regarding risk management and student insurance.