About Us
The Mill Creek High School National Green Schools Society/Environmental Club is a student-centered environmental organization whose mission is to protect, conserve, and improve the environment by taking action and spreading awareness on local, regional, and global environmental issues, ranging from climate change to environmental inequalities. The Club furthers this mission through regularly volunteering in the community, hosting recycling drives, and cleaning up lakes and parks. Mill Creek NGSS is dedicated to helping keep the school clean for future students, through a recycling initiative, a school garden, and campus clean-ups.
There is no hour requirement, but eligible students have the opportunity to earn an honor cord, patch, pin, and/or stole.
*Seniors must have 20 hours by the end of April to receive a cord.
Dues for the 2023-24 school year will be $20, which covers the club shirt, honor patch/cord, club supplies, and food. Dues are due September 1st on MyPaymentsPlus.
Meetings & Events
Our first recycling/info meeting is on August 8th after school in E208.
We hold weekly recycling every Tuesday in Mrs. Cox's room (E208).
Club meetings are typically once a month every 3rd Tuesday in the same location as recyclings (E208).
Stadium Cleanups dates
- August 25th
- September 1st
- September 15th
- October 13th
- November 3rd
Sunday Recycling Drive dates
- August 27th
- September 24th
- October 22nd
- November 12th
- December 10th