
    What is Title I?

    Title I is a federal program that provides funds to schools and districts based on the percentage of students qualifying to receive free or reduced price (school) meals. The purpose is to ensure that all children have access to quality instruction and resources that will enable them to meet the state academic standards.

    Cedar Hill's Title I program offers services and programs that help improve the education of all students, and provides funds which help pay for the following:
    • teacher salaries (which lowers the student/teacher ratio)
    • staff development and release time for teachers to plan instruction
    • extended learning time programs
    • technology for classrooms
    • consumable and non consumable teaching materials
    • presenters and childcare providers at parent workshops
    • materials and resources for the Parent Center
    • learning experiences for our students

    Family and Community Engagement Plan/Plan de participación familiar y comunitario

    • Click here to read more about the GCPS Family and Community Engagement Plan 2023-2024.


      Parent Engagment Videos


      English - FaCE Plan


      Spanish-FaCE Plan

      Right To Know

    Parents have the right to request information about the degree and qualifications of their child’s teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s), if applicable.  Please refer to the GCPS Student-Parent Handbook or contact your school's principal for more information. 

    Los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre el título y las calificaciones del maestro(s) y paraprofessional(es) de su hijo, si corresponde.  Consulte el Manual para Padres y Estudiantes de GCPS o comuníquese con el Director de su escuela para obtener más información.