Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
The Free and Reduced Lunch application must be completed at the beginning of each school year. Click here to access the application or scan the QR code:
Questions? Call the Free and Reduced Help Line at 678.301.6307 .
The RMS Cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch on every school day. Click here to access the menus via Nutrislice.
All students will receive breakfast at no charge at Richards Middle and all other Title I schools.
Lunch Prices
Meal Prices for lunch are as follows: ES Lunch - $2.25, Reduced $.40, Free No Charge
MS/HS Lunch - $2.50, Reduced $.40, Free No Charge
**Meals can only be provided to GCPS students attending in-person instruction.
Contact Information
Mr. Ryan McManus, Cafeteria Manager
Click here to email Mr. McManus.