It is the expectation of the Mill Creek Faculty that students will turn in assigned work on time. Late work is defined as any work turned in after a designated due date, excluding excused absences.
Please check course syllabi for the late work policy for each subject area.
Be advised teachers have the discretion to give the student a comparable alternative assignment if on the day the assignment is due, a class discussion reveals the answers/themes/ideas for the work assigned.
Textbook Policy
Students are responsible for returning each issued textbook in a similar condition, to when they received the textbook, at the end of each school year. Failure to return textbooks each year, pay for damaged textbooks and/or pay for lost textbooks will result in a loss of privileges while in high school.
Students WILL NOT be allowed to participate in graduation activities, including walking at graduation. Students WILL NOT be allowed to purchase a Mill Creek parking permit. Students WILL NOT be allowed to attend Homecoming and/or Prom (Be advised fees paid for Homecoming or Prom will NOT be refunded). Students WILL NOT be mailed an end of year report card.
If you have any overdue, damaged and/or lost textbooks on your record, the privileges above will be lost until such overdue, damaged and/or lost textbooks are cleared from your record.
Please note: Fines/fees from elementary and middle school follow you to high school. Any outstanding fines/fees for parking, athletics, cafeteria, media center, fundraising, etc. will result in these same privileges being denied until such fines/fees are cleard from your record.