MC EPIC - A Georgia DOE STEM Certified Program
  • What is EPIC?  

    MC EPIC is a STEM Certified Program at Mill Creek High School.

    Mill Creek High School offers students a unique STEM opportunity for rising 9th graders. The Mill Creek STEM program, EPIC, is built upon learning strategies that are experiential, project-based, innovative, collaborative, and cross-curricular. The program is a response to STEM industry calls for employees who have both a solid academic foundation and “soft” skills (e.g., interpersonal communications, working with others in a team) along with critical thinking skills. Students take four classes within the EPIC program - their science, math, and language arts academic classes as well as an engineering elective. The rest of their classes are traditional 9th-grade classes. EPIC students have the opportunity to take any AP courses available to other MC students as well as all electives offered at Mill Creek. EPIC students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs, as EPIC is a program that recognizes the benefits of being a well-rounded student. Enrollment for the 9th-grade class is open to 8th-grade students who intend to enroll in Geometry, Accelerated Geometry or Algebra for 9th grade and fill out a brief application during the registration process. The application will be released in January 4 and the deadline for the application is February 9, 2024.

    We have a website with more information for Rising 9th graders here:

    Check it out!

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  • For questions about EPIC please contact Kelly Dyar           

  • "EPIC has brought me into a new culture of learning- it has enhanced my ability to work in a team, be a leader, and adapt to challenges at hand."
    MC EPIC Student

    "Project-Based Learning is learning with a different 
    perspective which is what makes PBL unique." 
    MC EPIC Student