• Career, Technical, & Arts Education

    Preparing high school students for the demands of the 21st century economy and post-secondary education!

  • Career picture

  • All courses provide an environment where students can learn the relevance of combining technical skills with academic knowledge.

    Why are CTAE courses good choices for students?

    CTAE courses benefit all students, even the ones who are not college bound.  These classes allow students to try career-related fields to see if they really are interested in them before they go to college and choose a major or enter the workforce.  Students in these courses may have higher graduation rates because they are interested in the content.  Courses also have co-curricular organizations to participate in.

    Why should a student complete a CTAE pathway?

    Each student will gain deep content knowledge in a specific area and will have the opportunity to take an industry-recognized credentialing test.  The content-specific certification will give students an advantage over other applicants in the workforce. All students who complete a pathway are required to take the end-of-pathway exam to show mastery of the concepts in that pathway. 

    Mill Creek students who complete a pathway
    will earn an honor cord for graduation