• iLead Freshman Mentor Program

  • Mentor Program Purpose StatementThe iLEAD Freshman Mentor Program provides each freshman with a supportive environment that helps ease their adjustment from middle school to high school. The personal, social and academic growth of each freshmen student is nurtured through an ongoing orientation that includes information about school policies, procedures and programs, academic and social counseling and relationship building through upperclassmen mentors.In order to accomplish this purpose, the Freshman Mentor Program should exhibit the following characteristics:

    1.         A rewarding and enjoyable experience for freshmen, student mentors, faculty advisors and academic counselors.

    2.         Clearly defined expectations and goals for student mentors and faculty advisors.

    3.         Student mentors who are skilled in leadership and mentoring.

    4.         Attention to each freshman’s social, personal and academic needs.

    5.         Upperclass student mentors who are positive role models and are academically proficient.

    6.         Upperclass student mentors who have a sincere interest in helping  freshmen and who are committed to building a trusting relationship with each of their freshmen.

    7.         Upperclass student mentors who are knowledgeable about Mill Creek High School’s traditions, policies, procedures, programs and co-curricular opportunities and physical layout.

    8.         Faculty advisors who are committed to helping freshmen and helping their student mentors develop their leadership and mentoring skills.

    9.         Management by skilled and effective directors of the iLEAD program.