Classroom Core Curriculum

  • Throughout the school year, our counselors facilitate several core curriculum lessons.  These guidance programs facilitate student development in three broad content areas. Academic development is comprised of strategies and activities that support and maximize student learning.  Career development provides the foundation for acquiring the skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enable students to make successful transitions from schools to post secondary choices. Life Skills development provides the foundation for personal and social growth that contributes to educational and career success.

    These competencies are linked to Gwinnett County’s Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS), the State Department of Education’s “List of Values and Character Education” (CE) and Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) as well as the American School Counselor Association National Standards (ASCA).


    6th Grade Core Curriculum Objectives:


    • Apply learned strategies to successfully transition to middle school
    • Explore the relationship between classroom performance and success in school 
    • Recognize the importance of becoming a self-directed and independent learner
    • Establish and implement challenging academic goals
    • Explore the relationship between interests and talents.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of how feelings affect behaviors
    • Respect for self
    • Demonstrate knowledge of ways to deal with others who display bullying behaviors
    • Demonstrate respect for the diversity among people (ideas, cultures, abilities, religion, politics, age, health, opinions, etc.)
    • Explain the importance of thinking for oneself and demonstrate an understanding of how one can be influenced by peers. Identify ways to say "NO" to risky behaviors utilizing refusal skills.
    • Identify skills needed for making and keeping friends while recognizing the importance of expressing feelings honestly and appropriately


    7th Grade Core Curriculum Objectives:


    • Identify ways to improve study skills (including time management, goal setting, and organizational skills)
    • Identify ways to take tests and how to control test anxiety
    • Utilize assessment data to direct educational goals/plans
    • Identify benefits of a positive work environment and how work ethics contribute to such an environment (include characteristics and responsibilities associated with a strong work ethic and/or a drug free work place
    • Acquire skills to explore career choices in relation to skills and interests
    • Identify skills and behaviors which will help one to be successful in a chosen career
    • Demonstrate ways to control emotions and behaviors (including ways to appropriately express anger and frustrations).
    • Identify ways that verbal and nonverbal communication skills can help to solve problems and improve relationships while demonstrating ways to mediate peacefully and settle conflicts.
    • Identify ways to be fair in how one treats others.
    • Identify ways to resist negative peer pressure and protect personal safety
    • Recognize the importance of being responsible for one’s actions. 


    8th Grade Core Curriculum Objectives:


    • Understand how school success and academic achievement enhance future opportunities
    • Demonstrate study skills and habits that can be used in various educational settings
    • Identify school rules and student responsibilities and how they contribute to a positive educational environment
    • Develop a tentative schedule for ninth grade taking into consideration academic strengths, academic majors, and career interests
    • Identify how their interests and talents relate to career choices
    • Identify skills and behaviors which will help one be successful in the world of work
    • Identify skills necessary for dealing with life changes
    • Identify ways to recognize and respond to bullying/harassment (including cyber/media)


    Click here for additional information regarding the Counseling Programs in GCPS.