• Clubs & Activities


    Sponsor: Shann Griffith

    Grade Level(s): Kindergarten & 1st Grade

    Kindergarten and 1st grade students read 100 books (or have parents read to them). Write the names of the books on any piece of paper. Turn it into Mrs. Griffith in the Media Center. Students will be spotlighted on the Headline Morning News Show.

    Meeting Times: Independent Reading (No meeting times)


    Sponsors: Amy DysonTyler Patterson

    Grade Level(s): 5th Grade

    Fifth grade students who are interested in joining the before-school art club will be able to submit permission slips provided by the club sponsors. 

    Meeting Times: The club will meet on Friday mornings starting at 7:45 AM starting on October 4th. Students will need to be dropped off in the car rider line by 7:45 AM on the Fridays Art Club is being held.  


    Sponsor: Joe Gusmerotti

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    The focus of this club will be on learning basketball skills in a fun, friendly, non-judgmental environment. Teachers are welcome!!

    Meeting Times: This club will meet on select Wednesdays starting in January or February of 2025: Dates TBD


    Sponsor: Kelly Mraz

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    Chorus is a club where students will sing patriotic and holiday music in a large group. Anyone is welcome to join and opportunities for solos are available by audition. We also sing out in the community at sporting and holiday events.

    Meeting Times: This club will meet on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 AM from September through December.


    Sponsors: Tyese Lee

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    4th-5th graders learn to build robots and program them using Spike Prime. We will also work on coding with Scratch and other equipment and programs.

    Meeting Times: March-April: Start date and time to be determined.


    Sponsor: Kelly Mraz

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    Our mission is to provide an extracurricular African drumming group to develop leadership skills for students in fourth and fifth grade. The group will be open to 15 students by audition, depending on interest and availability of instruments. Students will have the opportunity to perform many times throughout the year, including the Talent Show and various community events. The Bronco Drummers' purpose is to give students leadership opportunities through public performance, as well as to learn correct West African drumming technique and style.

    Meeting Times: Starting in February, the Bronco Drummers will rehearse on Tuesday mornings before school at 7:45 AM. Auditions will be held in January 2025.


    Sponsors: Terri Odum

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    If you are looking for a way to take action on environmental issues such as recycling, pollution, reducing waste, and educating others on making a difference in the community...then this is the club for you!

    Meeting Times: The club will meet on Friday mornings at 7:40 AM starting in mid-September. 

    4th and 5th grade students must fill out an application to be considered for this club. Spaces are limited!


    Sponsors: Tyese Lee & Rachel Stallworth

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    Selected members in grades 4th-5th (through an application and try-out process) will work together as a team to prepare for and compete in the FLL Competition in December. In early fall, FLL releases a challenge that is based on a real-world scientific topic.

    Each challenge has three parts: the Innovation project, Robot Design and Game, and the FLL Core Values. Teams participate in the challenge by programming a robot to score points on a themed playing field (Robot Game). The team works to develop a solution a problem they have identified (Innovation Project) guided by the FLL Core Values.  

    The team size is limited to 10 students due to the regulations of the First Lego League. Applications will be available in August. 

    For more information: First Lego League

    Meeting Times: Dates TBD


    Sponsor: Kelly Bearden, Stephanie Richter, & Lauren Tundidor

    Grade Level(s): 5th Grade

    To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among our 5th grade students.

    • ACHIEVEMENT - Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
    • CHARACTER - Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
    • LEADERSHIP - Developing the leaders of tomorrow
    • SERVICE - Demonstrating our motto: Let Us Lead by Serving Others

    Students must have earned all As during the 2nd semester of their 4th grade year for Fall induction ceremony of 5th grade year or 1st semester of 5th grade year for Spring induction ceremony.

    Meeting Times: Starting on September 11th, this club will meet once a month to discuss character and leadership development traits and skills as well as plan and carry out a service project (Fall and Spring semesters) that will directly impact our community. Students will be required to complete 4 hours of service hours per semester.

    This club will meet once a month at 7:30 AM: Dates TBD


    Sponsors: Head ES Staff

    Grade Level(s): 2nd through 5th Grade

    KidzLife Club seeks to help kids come to know the true heart of God. 

    Hosted by: Grace Snellville

    Contact: Jodi Hooper

    Students must be registered to attend. (registration form coming soon)

    Meeting Times: 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM (pick up in car rider circle in front of school)

    Dates: Tuesdays starting September 10th through November 19th (First Semester) and January 14th through March 18th (Second Semester)

    KidzLife Club logo


    Sponsor: Aishah Cochran

    Grade Level(s): 2nd and 3rd Grade

    The purpose of this club is to provide an opportunity for students to promote kindness in their school and communities while also increasing their leadership abilities, fostering an attitude of teamwork and problem-solving in a respectful manner. Students will participate in a variety of activities and projects to promote kindness while having fun. 

    Meeting Times: Dates TBD for 2024-2025

    This is an after-school club. Students will need to be picked up no later than 4:45 PM.


    Sponsor: Shann Griffith

    Grade Level(s): All Grade Levels

    This year, the media center will sponsor two challenges:

    1. The African Country Challenge is to name as many of the 55 African countries as possible! 
      Blank Map (use to practice)

    2. The Periodical Table of Elements Challenge
      In observance of National Chemistry Week (Oct 20-26) students will be challenged to learn as many of the 118 elements as possible. From a blank Periodical Table of Elements, try to fill in as many elements as possible or chemical abbreviations/symbols.


    Sponsor: Shann Griffith

    Grade Level(s): 1st through 5th Grade

    Take the challenge! Try to read 1,000,000 words or more in one year. Students simply read books, take AR tests, and the program keeps track of the number of words read. Start reading today! If you were enrolled in AR for the 2023-2024 school year, you have an account until July 31, 2024.

    A new challenge begins August 1, 2024 and runs through July 31, 2025.  


    Sponsors: Tyese Lee & Rachel Stallworth

    Grade Level(s): 2nd & 3rd Grade

    In Explore, teams of students in grades 2-3 will focus on the fundamentals of engineering as they explore real-world problems, learn to design and code and create unique solutions made with LEGO bricks and powered by LEGO Education Spike Essential.  

    Meeting Times: March-April


    Sponsor: Dr. Tonya Burnley

    Grade Level(s): 5th Grade

    Safety patrol members will be responsible for monitoring hallways during morning arrival. Students will be selected based on their application and teacher recommendations. Students need to be responsible, mature, honest, and well-behaved. Students do not need to arrive early to participate. Students will serve on safety patrol all year, but on a rotating basis.  

    • Applications Given to 5th Graders: August 7th
    • Applications Due: August 16th
    • Training: Week of August 19th


    Sponsor: Shann Griffith & Alicia Hines

    Grade Level(s): All Grade Levels

    Each morning, after announcements, there will be a 5-minute Spanish lesson. In addition, we encourage all students to go through the Gwinnett County Public Library to get the MANGO app. This learning program is free with a GCPL card. Download the app and begin to learn independently. The lessons in the morning will either be a preview or a review for those studying independently. Let's learn Spanish together with Mango!

    Meeting Times: Independent (no meeting times)


    Sponsor: Heather Albritton & Kathy Ward

    Grade Level(s): 4th & 5th Grade

    Witzzle Pro is for 4th and 5th grade students. A witzzle (witty puzzle) is comprised of a unique 3–by-3 array of the digits 1-9. Students are challenged to manipulate 3 digits and 2 operations to equal a target number. Students must draw on their knowledge of basic math facts, understanding of numbers and operations, and problem-solving strategies. 

    The club participates in a local tournament to determine 8 finalists to attend the Cluster Tournament.

    Meeting Times: This club will meet weekly on Mondays at 7:30 AM starting Monday, December 4, 2024.