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  • GCPS to provide meals free of charge to students and to children 18 and younger

    Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) granted additional waiver extensions that allow school districts to offer meals at no charge through December 31 through the Seamless Summer Option (SSO). This extension, paired with guidance received from the Georgia Department of Education, will allow Gwinnett County Public Schools to offer meals at no charge at school sites to all students. These meals are provided at no cost to the individual through the federal School Nutrition Program.

    Students Attending School In-Person

    Those attending school in-person will receive meals free-of-charge during their school’s scheduled meal times.

    Curbside Pick-up for Digital Learners

    Digital learners may pick up meals through the curbside pick-up programs at each school, Monday through Thursday, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Each day’s pick-up includes both breakfast and lunch with Thursday’s pick-up including meals for Friday. Families should check with their local school for specific curbside pick-up times and the location of the pick-up program. Individuals will not be allowed to enter the school to pick up or eat meals. (Click here for a list of the 132 schools offering curbside pick-up.)

    Curbside Pick-up for Others 18 Years of Age or Younger:

    As part of the Seamless Summer Option, curbside pick-up meals also will be available at no charge to anyone 18 years of age or younger, even to children who are not a GCPS student. Please check with your local school for curbside pick-up times and the location of the pick-up program. Individuals will not be allowed to enter the school to pick up or eat meals.


    Gwinnett County Public Schools encourages families who are eligible for the Free & Reduced Meal Program to complete the annual application to ensure meal benefits continue when this waiver expires. The application is available on the GCPS website or at https://www.nlappscloud.com/.