  • round red button with first aid kit and crossThe school operates a clinic during school hours. The clinic workers facilitate sending sick children home, dispense medication, and take care of various problems and injuries that might occur during the school day.

    Although we strongly encourage attendance every day, please keep your child home if he/she has a fever of 100.4 or more, is vomiting, or is contagious. Children with fevers should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication.

    By law, the clinic cannot operate as a doctor's office. We will not dispense any medication without prior written approval by parents. Medication must be personally delivered by a parent in the original childproof, labeled container, and the parent must complete the necessary consent forms. Children cannot bring medication to school. The parent must then pick up any remaining medicine, once treatment is finished. Otherwise, it will be discarded.

  • To help you determine if your child should be absent from school, here are a few GCPS guidelines:

    • Fever: If the temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher, with or without symptoms, a parent will be notified and the student needs to go home. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
    • Diarrhea and vomiting: If your child has one episode of loose stool and/or vomiting and appears to feel well, it may not be necessary for your child to be sent home. However, if your child has recurring loose stools and/or vomiting, the child should remain at home until their symptoms clear up.
    • Pinkeye: If your child’s eye is red and there is yellow drainage, he should stay home until symptoms are gone.

    Signs of illness and reasons to be excluded from school:

    • Fever 100.4 degrees or higher with or without symptoms
    • More than one episode of vomiting, diarrhea or severe abdominal pain
    • Whites of eyes are pink or red with yellow drainage
    • Any open sore oozing fluid
    • Any rash with fever or signs of illness
    • Suspected impetigo, lice or scabies that has NOT been treated


    Reasons to Keep Your Child Home From School

    Medication information is as follows:

    For the safety of all students at our school, the following guidelines should be followed when requesting administration of medications at school:

    • Only those medications required during school hours should be administered at school. Please check with your physician regarding the need for medications to be administered during school hours.
    • All medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, must be accompanied by a completed Administration of Medication Request form and brought to the school clinic by an adult. Students may not transport medications to school.
    • All medications must be in an original child-proof container. Prescription medications must be in their labeled prescription bottle. School staff will only administer medication according to the directions on the label.
    • Any medications remaining at the end of the school year must be picked up or school staff will dispose of them.
    • Students may only carry medication as prescribed by law with the required documentation. Please check with our school clinic worker if your child needs to carry emergency medications with them.
  • bandaid
    As a graduate of the University of Georgia and a licensed registered nurse, I have proudly served the Shiloh students and staff for more than 15 years. Please feel free to contact me regarding clinic questions or procedures. Each day is filled with new challenges and rewards, as well as lots of laughs and hugs! I am looking forward to meeting our new students, reuniting with returning students, and having a healthy, safe school year!
    Angie Andrews

    Marina Brenke
    I am a former teacher who decided to become a clinic worker 11 years ago. I love my job! I enjoy talking to students one on one and learning a little about them. Supporting students and teachers is a very important part of my job.
    Marina Brenke

  • phone


    Clinic: 770-736-2051

    Main Office: 770-985-6883

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