Shiloh Elementary School

Strong Minds, Strong Hearts, and Strong Community

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  • school building

    School Hours
    8:15 AM - 2:45 PM

    Student Arrival - 7:45 AM
    No student checkouts
    after 2:15 PM
    Office hours
    7:15 AM-4:00 PM
    (staff available to assist families)
    2400 Ross Road, Snellville GA 30039
    Jennifer Mercedes, Principal

Registration and Withdrawal

  • Registration Information

    Our hours:

    8:30-11:30 AM Monday through Friday

    Call the front office ahead of time to ensure the registrar is available.
    Please visit our Registration page for more information and for information about registering children for the current school year.

  • a tray with a banana, burger and carton of milk

    Complete a meal application annually to continue meal benefits and ensure added support for your school!

    In order to receive free or reduced-price meal benefits, families must complete the Free and Reduced-price Meal Application and meet eligibility requirements. Click here to learn more and find a link to the application.