- Shiloh MS
- Academic Support
Academic Support
General's Time
General's Time is a thirty-five-minute period at the beginning of each school day with the sole purpose of increasing student achievement. This time is designated for individual Attendance, Behavior and Course Performance (ABC) discussions, goal-setting, literacy and numeracy skill work, interventions and specific GCPS advisement lessons.
Help Day
An opportunity to extend students’ learning is offered each Wednesday beginning the third week of school. Students have the opportunity to work individually with their teachers on specific AKS, complete make-up work or retake tests. Students should arrive by 8:15AM on Wednesdays only. Students will remain in the front lobby until their teacher comes up to greet them and escort them to the classroom. Tutoring and reteaching on any other day besides Help Day Wednesdays must be arranged and scheduled with individual teachers.
All students will have the opportunity to retest up to two times in a semester regardless of the original test score. This is limited to summative tests such as end of unit/common assessments. In short, quizzes, informal assessments, etc. are excluded.
The faculty and administration of Shiloh Middle School believe that homework is a valuable learning experience. Students will be given a reasonable amount of homework designed to enhance their learning by providing them the opportunity to practice academic skills and key
Academic Assistance Program
All Gwinnett County students are required to pass language arts and math, as well as five of six academic courses to be eligible for end of year grade promotion. Shiloh Middle School will offer credit recovery for students who failed first semester courses. Academic Assistance Program (AAP) will provide five weeks of instruction aligned to first-semester curriculum standards. Students will take the county post-test at the conclusion of the course. Those who successfully demonstrate mastery of the curriculum standards will earn a passing grade (70) for the course.
Attendance is mandatory in order to earn course credits necessary for promotion. Students who misbehave during AAP sessions will be dismissed from the program and will be in jeopardy of being retained at the end of the school year.