Assessment Information

  • The purpose of the assessment program at Shiloh Middle School is to measure student achievement relative to the state and the Gwinnett County School System's Academic, Knowledge and Skills (AKS), to identify students failing to achieve mastery of content, to provide teachers with diagnostic information, and to assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to establish priorities in planning educational programs.

  • iReady

    The iReady Universal Screener is administered to all students in Kindergarten through eighth grade.

    Universal screeners will allow teachers to identify students in need of enrichment/acceleration or who are at risk for poor learning outcomes.

    Universal screeners seek to find areas of skills that need to be improved or areas of skills that are strong. 

    Universal screeners are used to help teachers formulate the next steps needed in instruction. 

    Student scores on the universal screeners will be used as a first step in identifying students who qualify for additional tests for gifted identification.

    Click here for more information

    Click here for Parent Resources

  • EOG/Milestones

    The Georgia Milestones is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school.  The Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the content standards in the core content areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. It is designed to provide information about student achievement and readiness to move on to the next level of learning.

    Information on the Milestones

  • PSAT 8/9

    The PSAT 8/9 is a standardized assessment that provides practice for the SAT. The PSAT 8/9 measures reading, writing and language and mathematics and helps students determine areas of focus for college preparedness.  

    Information on the PSAT 8/9

    Eighth grade students will take the PSAT 8/9 on October 25, 2023. Requests for testing accommodations are due on September 5, 2023. If your student qualifies for testing accommodations and you would like to request them, please fill out this form:

    Consent Form for Accommodations Request

    If you have any questions, please call SSD Coordinator:
    Mr. John Niziurski

  • CogAT

    The CogAT is a multiple-choice assessment administered in the 1,2,5, and 8 grades that measures the way students think. The CogAT will be administered on Monday, September 9, Tuesday, September 10, and Wednesday, September 11. 

    Information on the CogAT