Shiloh Middle School Counseling Staff

  • The counseling program at Shiloh is available to all students and their parents. It is designed to be developmental and preventive, but at times it also serves as one of the crisis interventions. A specific counselor is assigned to each grade level to talk to students individually, in a group setting, and in classroom guidance lessons. 

Mission/Vision Statement

  • Shiloh Middle School Counseling Department Mission Statement

    At Shiloh Middle School, we are committed to nurturing a supportive and dynamic data-driven, comprehensive counseling program centered around a challenging, yet engaging international curriculum that encourages the highest level of student achievement through their academic, career, and personal/social development. Through a challenging framework of international education, we promote academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility. In collaboration with teachers, administrators, parents, and a compassionate community, the school counselors provide equitable access to resources and technology, preparing students for 21st-century post-secondary opportunities. We strive to empower our students to become lifelong learners and culturally competent citizens who excel locally, nationally, and globally.


    Shiloh Middle School Counseling Department Vision Statement

    The Shiloh Middle School counseling program envisions a community where every student feels valued, understood, and prepared to navigate the challenges of adolescence and beyond. Our goal is to equip students with the skills, resilience, and confidence to pursue their passions, achieve their potential, and contribute positively to a diverse and evolving world.