Burnette Elementary School
Instructing at the Highest Level, Achieving Beyond Belief!
- Burnette ES
- School Resource Information
School Resources
Degrees and Certifications:
Media Catalog
Students may access the Media Catalog through the student portal by clicking on the Media Catalog icon. Once a student accesses the media catalog through the portal, they may see which books they have checked out, a history of all books checked out, search for books, and hold books (grades 3-5 only).
Degrees and Certifications:
Online Research
Students have access to a wide variety of free resources from anywhere they are, simply by logging on to the student portal. Students can complete research using Britannica, Facts4Me, or Pebble Go; learn about science and history using PowerKnowledge or FreedomFlix, and enjoy stories through BookFlix, Tumblebooks, or Comics Plus.