- Simonton ES
- Simonton Cafeteria
School Nutrition Program
As a partner in education, the Gwinnett County School Nutrition Program contributes to a successful academic experience and encourages a lifetime of healthy eating by providing each student with the affordable opportunity to consume meals that are nutritious, appealing, and served by caring professionals in a pleasant environment.
Meal Prices:
Student Breakfast ~ $1.75 (Reduced Breakfast ~ $0.30)
Student Lunch ~ $2.50 (Reduced Lunch ~ $0.40
Milk ~ $0.40
Soy Milk ~ $0.60
Bottled Water ~ $0.40/$0.60Adult Breakfast ~ $2.75
Adult Lunch ~ $4.00
Parents who come to eat lunch with their child(ren) should sit in the designated parent areas with only their child.
Due to schedule changes and limited seating, there will be no lunch visitors on standardized testing days or when the cafeteria is set up for special events. These dates will be shared in the weekly Simonton Parent Newsletter.
GCPS Charge Policy
Elementary school students will be allowed to charge up to $11.25.
Middle school students will be allowed to charge up to $12.00.
High school students will be allowed to charge up $4.00.Charges are not allowed for supplemental or ala carte items.
Once the charge limit has been met the student may receive a designated alternate meal at no charge as defined by the School Nutrition Program. A charge notice will be completed for each occurrence and notification will be sent home to the parent/guardian through the student. Additionally, once the charge limit has been met the parent/guardian will be notified by the local school via phone call, letter, or email.A charge list will be provided to the Principal at the end of every month and upon request. Charging for meals will not be allowed after April 25th. The charge policy will be communicated to parents/students via student handbooks, SNP & local school websites, and letter.
Charges are not allowed for supplemental or ala carte items.
Adults at all levels will be allowed to charge a maximum of 1 day to their account.
Charging for meals will not be allowed after April 25th.Refunds
Refunds may be processed at the local school level up to $50. Any refund over $50 shall be processed through the SNP Central Office by submitting a Refund Request Form available on the SNP website. https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/24219
If you have any questions about your child’s meal charges, please contact the cafeteria manager at your child’s school. If you have any questions about a refund, please contact the SNP Central Office at: snp.accounting@gcpsk12.org or by calling: (678) 301-6246.
Free & Reduced Lunch
Please complete the Free and Reduced-price Meal Application. Confirmed eligibility establishes a number of benefits for individual students such as free or discounted college-admissions tests, AP exams, and college applications; scholarship opportunities; and no- and low-cost access to technology and internet plans. In addition, the percentages of qualifying students at a school are used as a measure to secure additional federal funding (Title I) to support students and their education, promote family engagement, and provide additional technology and internet access. Title I funds pay for additional teachers, Parent Centers, additional learning opportunities for students, extra resources, added technology, and more.
•ONLINE APPLICATIONS (Private, Fast & Avail. 24/7): http://gwinnett.schoollunchapp.com
•APPLICATION STATUS CHECK: http://gwinnett.schoollunchstatus.com
School Meal Modification Request Form
The form below is intended to provide the Gwinnett County School Nutrition Program some of the medical information necessary to provide modifications to the USDA meal patterns due to a student's medically necessary nutrition needs/accommodations.
School Meal Modification Request Form
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.