• Dual Language Immersion (DLI) 

    Dual Language Immersion

  • Click here for more information on Gwinnett County Public School's DLI program.

    Camp Creek ES Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

    • Dual Language Immersion at Camp Creek will continue with a 2 class cohort next year in kindergarten.
    • Two teachers will work together to support the instruction in the Dual Language program.
    • Students will have mathematics, science, and literacy skills that are specific to that language for 50% of the day with a Spanish speaking teacher.
    • A second class will have language arts and social studies with the other teacher in English. 
    • At a determined point during the day, the teachers will switch groups of students so that all students receive instruction in both languages. 
    • Each year, the program will expand to the next grade level as students move through elementary school.