• hero circcle

  • 1) Gather your research using the Research Tables Google Doc from your teacher's Google Classroom. Example

     If you need to plan out what you will research, try making a copy of this Epic and Heroic Elements Ideas Chart



    2) Begin with the Online Research Library (Database) sources for information about the hero(es) you will compare to Odysseus.


    3) Then use suggested websites or others that pass the CRAAP test.


    4) Copy and paste MLA citations from database sources. Use Google Citation Tool to create MLA citations for the websites you use.


  • Consider these possible comparisons:

    • Your hero's (sometimes unusual) birth and childhood

    • heroic qualities or special gifts / talents that set him or her apart from ordinary folk

    • the nature of your hero's journey, quest, allies, enemies, father-figure, boon or prize won for the community and MORE typical parts of the HERO. Here's an article that list common elements seen in many mythic heroes.



    Databases: Find these especially helpful options from the Online Research Library:

    Try Popular Culture Universe for heroes from books, movies, and TV. Try Galileo or Student Resources in Context for heroes who might be covered in magazine articles or in book chapters. Try World Religions for heroes from the world's sacred stories from any age or culture, including Greek or Roman gods or heroes. Use Biography in Context for real life people of all sorts.

    Picture Picture databasePicture Picture 




    Heroes Wiki = -- information on heroes from a wide range of media




epic movies