Guidelines for Student Groups & Activities

  • Student Initiated Groups

    In the case of noncurriculum-related student initiated groups and organizations with religious, philosophical, political or controversial views, the following guidelines apply:

    1. The school may not sponsor or endorse such groups.
    2. Such groups must be student initiated.
    3. Student participation in such groups must be voluntary.
    4. Meetings must be held outside the school's instructional time.
    5. Employees may not direct or control activities unless students violate this policy or school rules and can only be present in a non-participatory custodial capacity to ensure that minimum decorum is maintained and property is not damaged. Non-school persons may not direct, control or regularly attend activities of the student initiated groups.
    6. All student groups must have a school employee who monitors the group in a custodial capacity to insure minimum decorum is maintained and property is not damaged. This employee must also verify that student participants do not engage in or advocate unlawful conduct; conduct that infringes the rights of others; or conduct that jeopardizes the health, welfare or safety of the students or staff at the school. Any student group which will not adhere to these rules will not be allowed to meet or be afforded access to the school facilities. Local schools must make clear that the views of student initiated groups such as religious, philosophical, political, or others of a potentially controversial nature are not endorsed by the local school.

    The following guidelines apply to all student groups or organizations:

    1. The group sponsor or monitor must verify to the school administration that student participants do not engage in or advocate unlawful conduct; conduct that infringes the rights of others; or conduct that jeopardizes the health, welfare or safety of the students or staff at the school. Any student group which will not adhere to these rules will not be allowed to meet or be afforded access to the school facilities. Moreover, individuals who violate these guidelines or school rules will be referred to the school administration for appropriate disciplinary action.
    2. Each student group will have a charter which shall state in pertinent part its purpose and its adherence to the guidelines set forth herein with specific reference to Paragraph E.1. The group's sponsor or monitor and the group’s student leader(s) shall review and sign the charter annually and submit to appropriate school personnel for approval.

    Student initiated groups may post signs announcing the name of the organization, the date and time of the meeting, and the location of the meeting.