3DE Program

3DE by Junior Achievement. Education for Every Dimension of Life.
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  • 3DE Registration Form
  • Contact Coach Kline
  • 3DE Schools Website
  • Welcome 8th Grade Parents!

    Greetings Soon-to-be Parkview Parents!

    Later this spring, your student will have the opportunity to visit the JA Discovery Center Gwinnett where they will participate in a program called Finance Park. On this trip, they will have the opportunity to have a first-hand preview of their financial future. Each student will participate in an immersive simulation that enables them to experience the mindset and skills needed to successfully navigate today’s complex economic environment and discover how their decisions today can impact tomorrow.

    JA Finance Park is an incredible opportunity that all eighth graders in Gwinnett County are able to experience but few are able to extend into their high school years. Fortunately, Parkview is one of four high schools in Gwinnett County that offers JA’s 3DE Program, where your student can build upon what they learn at Finance Park and experience solving the problems of local and national businesses (like The Home Depot, SPANX, Delta, UPS, and more) throughout their high school years. The 3DE program re-engineers high school education to be more relevant, experiential, and authentic by connecting to the complexities of the real world in order to prepare students for the
    demands of tomorrow’s economy.

    3DE is a four-year program where students take the same classes and learn the same standards as other Parkview students, but through a lens of using interdisciplinary connections to solve real world problems. Students take math, science, language arts, and social studies classes each year coupled with a marketing and/or entrepreneurship class where they apply their knowledge to business scenarios. 3DE has been designed to allow students to participate in fine arts, band, theater, sports, and other activities without interfering with those elective and extracurricular commitments. In order to do this, we embed courses together which allow students to earn dual credits in one semester or year. At the end of the program, students will not only have the classes needed to graduate but will also be equipped with the skills needed to excel in whatever they choose to pursue, even if it is not business related.

    In order to protect the quality of the program, 3DE only allows for 150 incoming 9th graders to join each year. We are not an achievement-based program and seek to serve a population of students that mirrors the diversity of the school. Spots for incoming ninth graders will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. In order to reserve a spot, please scan the QR code below and pre-register your student for the program.

    We have several ways you can learn more about Parkview 3DE. Included with this letter are other documents that give insight into the values of our organization and comprehensive experience we provide our students. You will also find invitations and information about upcoming events where you and your student can learn more about us. Lastly, feel free to reach out to me with any questions. My contact information is listed below.

    Thank you for your time!

    Dustin Kline
    3DE Lead Teacher
    Parkview High School
    (770) 279-6497

  • 8th Grade Recruitment Letter

    We invite you to check out the 3DE 8th Grade Recruitment Letter to get an overview of our program.

  • See what we do in 3DE

    Check out our 2022 Market Day!

    Check out the 2022 10th Grade Home Depot Case Challenge Winner's Presentation!

  • Register for 3DE at Parkview

    Please complete the 3DE at Parkview Registration Form to register for the program.


    3DE’s multifaceted approach to learning uses case methodology to integrate real-world connectivity into the standard high school experience. This universally effective approach to learning is the anchor for interdisciplinary pedagogy, relevant connectivity, and authentic project-based application that is delivered in every 3DE school. The result is a high school experience that reflects the dynamic pace of activity and interconnectedness of life beyond the classroom walls.

    3DE’s dedicated teachers set high expectations and foster a strong sense of community among their students. Year-over-year, the curriculum layers in defined competencies to continually build students’ skills and mindset as they advance from facilitated learning to self-directed. By the end of their four-year high school career, students graduate with the knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive in post-secondary and beyond.

    Learning where rigor meets the real-world

    • Students participate in an authentic project-based application that is integrated across all core classes.
    • Students consistently engage with a variety of industries, professionals, and careers.
    • Students develop valuable competencies to navigate a high-growth career.
    • Students identify career interests that fit their aptitude, interests, and aspirations.
    • Students gather information and support to navigate the post-secondary admissions & financial aid process.
    • Students gain exclusive access to 3DE designated scholarships.

    Learn more about 3DE. To get involved, contact Coach Kline. To join 3DE, fill out the registration form!