Working Digitally
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- Lanier MS
- Accessing Daily Lessons
eCLASS Course Pages | A Breakdown of What You Will See
Getting There
- Have students open their portal and access the eCLASS option in student vue(click the image for a short overview of how to navigate).
What You Will See on Each Content Page
- All Course pages should be set up the same.
- Welcome to My Class: where you will see the Digital Norms that have been set up for students to follow in a digital environment
- Announcements: Where the daily lessons will be posted in a 1, 2, 3 format;
- Link to Zoom Meetings by period
- Links to Activities associated with the day's lesson
- Final Summarizing Activity that will allow students to "show what they know!" This could be in the form of a classroon assignment or a quiz.
- CQI/Advisement: this widget will house a weekly lesson that students will be working on during CQI or in Advisement during 1st eriod of the day.
- Calendar: The calendars are content specific and will allow studnets to quickly find a date where they may have missed a class or have a missing assignment. Clicking through the links will take students to the Lesson Plan Platform that teachers have populted for week. Students can scroll through the week to find the specific day and find all the resources for that day's lesson.
- Contact Info: Digital Office Hours are posted here along with a link to each teacher's email address.
- Useful links: Content specific links that teachers may populate if applicable.
- Once students access a teacher's course page, they may be taken to Google Classroom, Class Dojo, Nearppod or another digital instructional platform to access and participate in the day's lesson. Students should always, begin their day by accessing eCLASS course pages to see the day's announcement and lesson plan, then follow any available links to continue and complete the day's lesson.