Students in an assembly
  • Art Club

    Sponsor: Shannon Michielsen


    Mission / Purpose: Lanier Art Club promotes imagination, creativity, and art production. Our club is for any student who would like the opportunity to explore different art and craft forms, try out new mediums, practice specific art techniques, and develop their own unique style. It gives students the opportunity to work individually or to collaborate with other student artists.

    Descriptions of Planned Activities: Lanier Art Club members can choose drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, printmaking, jewelry-making, or other creative processes to produce unique works of Art. Members will participate in community art events throughout the year.

    Affiliated with: Lanier Art Club is affiliated with GAEA.

  • Beta Club

    Sponsors: Rebekah Spratlin & Melissa Hayes

    Activities: Service projects chosen by the Beta Club

    Beta Club
    Mission:  To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service, and leadership among middle school students.  To reward meritorious achievement and to encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school. Meetings will begin after Labor Day.  

    If interested in Beta Club complete this Interest form

    Affiliated with:  National Beta


    *Please contact for more information.

  • Black Student Association

    Sponsor: Dionne Williams


    Mission / Purpose: Purpose of providing a safe and productive place where African American students can better their experience here at Lanier Middle School (“LMS”) and contribute to LMS recreationally, socially, demographically, and academically.

    Descriptions of Planned Activities

    Increase their knowledge about African American history/heritage/culture.

     Engage in positive discussion that promotes character and aspirations.

     Discuss philanthropic ideas that may benefit other students and our community.

     Assist each other and/or other students with difficult curriculum and/or peer issues.

    Discuss current events.

    Affiliated with: None

    Required Permission Slip can be found here and will need to be turned in to Ms. Williams prior to the first meeting.

  • Charm School Club

    Sponsors: Lisa Taylor

    Activities: There will be 10 (or so) lessons on some of the common "issues" that we have with our students (respect, empathy, compassion, manners, modesty, dining etiquette, cleaning up after themselves, etc).

    Mission/Purpose - Empowering students with the timeless principles of manners and etiquette in formal andCharm School informal social interactions. The mission is to cultivate confident, respectful, and socially aware individuals. Through engaging discussions and interactive activities, we aim to equip young learners with essential life skills that foster positive relationships, enhance communication, and promote a sense of community. Together, we hope to inspire our students with the ability to navigate social situations with grace and authenticity, embracing the value of kindness and consideration for every interaction.

    Books: "How Rude!" by Alex J. Packer, PhD and "52 Modern Manners for Today's Teens" by Brooke Romney

    Affiliated with: No national, state, or local affiliation

  • Drama Club

    Sponsor: Jordan Davis Couturier


    The purpose of Drama Club is to encourage students to think outside the box, push individualDarma boundaries, and become more confident performers.  Members will improve their social skills and develop leadership skills.  They will also become more adept at collaboration. 

    Description of Planned Activities

    We will put on two performances throughout the school year. Our straight play will be performed on December 6 and 7, 2024. Our musical will be performed twice on May 10, 2025. Students will have the opportunity to audition for and perform in these shows. We will also take technical theater students throughout the year to help with our performances.
    Meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons from 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM in the Media Center. 

    Members are asked to pay $40 annual dues for Drama Club. 

    When the Drama Club is putting on a show, students will be required to meet more often for rehearsals. 

  • FCA | Ignite Club

    Sponsors: Carla Youmans & Angela Dover

    Activities - Local church youth ministers/students will present a message to all attendees.  We also have breakfast and play some games. 

    Mission: Student driven and student-initiated club-- LMS students gather to learn more about and develop a growing relationship with Christ as they encourage one another.  

    Affiliated with: Fellowship of Christian Athletes  

    Students do have to have a signed permission slip to participate.  All students interested should join the Google Classroom using the code s6ubr7w . The permission slip will be in the Google Classroom.   

  • Fishing Club

    Sponsors: Ms. McClure, Ms. Janowski

    Mission: The mission of the Lanier Middle School fishing is to educate students on practical fishing skills and raise awareness of career and educational opportunities through the sport of fishing. Students will go to high school prepared to fish competitively with the Lanier Longhorn Fishing Team.Fishing Club

    Activities: Planned activities are a boating safety course through the DNR and Just walking over to the lake and fishing.

    Affiliations: Student Anger Federation

    Cost is $45 to cover supplies and student membership in the Student Angler Federation.

  • Gardening Club

    Advisors: Pam Higgins and Karen Jones

    Mission/Purpose: The purpose of the Gardening club is to provide students with opportunities to learn to cultivategarden various types of plants while collaborating with others.  The mission is to learn and practice different gardening methods and apply those techniques and skills to enhance the appearance of our campus.  
    Activities: We will be learning about container gardening first intending to plant and maintain some container gardens around campus.  We hope to eventually have a space to expand into a more formal gardening space.  
    Affiliations: Green and Healthy Schools program, Master Gardeners. 

  • Intramurals

    Sponsors: Coach Loveless & Coach Rabek

    Intramurals are a great opportunity for students to have fun and be active before school. Students can participate in as many or as few sessions as is convenient; they are not required to attend every session. Students may not arrive before 8:05 and they MUST arrive by 8:15 to be allowed to enter the gym. Students MUST turn in a permission form before participating. intramurals

    Students MUST turn in a permission form before being allowed to participate.

    Fall Session: September 3rd - October 25th

    Required Permission Form to be turned in to Coach Loveless or Coach Rabek before you can participate.

  • Kindness Club

    Kindness Club Sponsor: Janan Olsen


    Plant seeds of kindness, and watch them grow! This is our Kindness Club mantra as we are on a Kindness mission to initiate the spread of kindness around the world. Students will work hard to plant seeds of kindness by engaging in needs around us as we express empathy and affirmation to those in our local school as well as our local community. Community spread ensures everyone is impacted by kindness, and we have many initiatives planned for this year that will affect not only our local school but that will also impact our community and even reach out to potentially meet needs on a more global scale

    Description of Planned Activities:                       

    GLOBAL - Raise awareness of critical world needs in Kenya, Uganda, and Haiti via where students and teachers can donate online with their families by purchasing chickens, goats, and cows to help provide livelihood to families in these needy countries.

    COMMUNITY – North Gwinnett Co-Op and KnockOutHunger: Food Collections; Adventure Bags: Providing Comfort for Children in Crisis; Jambos: Pajamas for Children in Foster Care

    LOCAL SCHOOL – Empathy, affirmation, and assistance for our teachers, admin, and staff through our teacher helper program; random and intentional acts of kindness; sunshine boxes/baskets to express encouragement, empathy and/or condolences.

    Local, State, and National Affiliations:,, North Gwinnett Co-Op,,

    Meeting Days/Times: See club calendar for meeting dates

  • Makeup Club

    Sponsor: Jordan Davis Couturier


    The goal of Makeup Club is to help young individuals express themselves and gain confidence through makeup and cosmetics. Makeup is an artform that takes skill, time, and dedication. Any and all students are welcome to join Makeup Club.

    Description of Planned Activities

    Students in Makeup Club will learn about the different types of makeup and will learn about the application of makeup and cosmetic products. Makeup Club will be held on Thursday mornings from 8:15 - 8:50 where students will have the opportunity to practice their skills and ask questions to improve them. 
    *Please note that, while owning makeup is not a requirement, makeup will not be provided for students. Students must bring their own makeup.*

    Students are not required to attend any percentage of weekly meetings, but students MUST have a signed permission slip on file in order to attend. There are no dues or fees for Makeup Club.  

  • STEM Bots Club

    Sponsors: Michele Langhans, Debbie Meadows, Kathryn Rodriguez

    Mission: Lanier Middle School’s STEMbots mission is to introduce students to the world of robotics, using STEM skills and teamwork. 

    Purpose:  The purpose of STEMbots is to develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and working as a team. Vex

    Planned Activities:   STEMbots participate in local and state tournaments. We participate in Vex IQ and Vex VRC  Watch this

    Local and State Affiliations: VEX Robotics and Rec Foundation 

    Meeting Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays, after 2nd bus call to 6 PM. To begin in September

    Introduction Meeting: TBD (keep an ear out for the announcement and check the Google Calendar for date and time)


    Check out our competitions this year:

  • Yearbook Club

    Sponsors: Colleen Karafa, Kimberly Guillory

    Mission / Purpose:

    • To create a yearbook that reflects the entire body. 

    • Develop design skills, including layouts, graphic design, and photography.  

    Descriptions of Expectations:

    • Attend all meetings before school

    • Meet all deadlines

    • Collect interesting and accurate information

    • Correctly and appropriately reflect all faculty, staff, and student members.

    • If needed, spend time outside of class to complete work.

    • If needed, complete work for another club member.

    • Revise work as needed through the editing process.  

    Affiliated with: No affiliations.

Lanier Middle School Clubs

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Last Modified on October 8, 2024