Announcements - Scroll for more!
Book Fair
The Book Fair is coming! We will set up the fair on September 9th and students can begin shopping on Wednesday, September 11th!
Book Nook
The Book Nook will be open every THURSDAY before school from 7:45-8:12 AM starting September 12th!
Dancing Through The Decades
We are thrilled to invite you to a groovy evening of dancing at our upcoming Members Only Event, Dancing Through The Decades on September 20th.
Join the PTA!
We would love for you to join us in our efforts by volunteering for an event, becoming a PTA member, and attending our loved spirit nights!
2024-2025 Yearbooks on Sale!
Yearbooks and tributes are on sale now! The order deadline is April 10th and Custom Pages are due by April 8th.
Seckinger Winter Basketball
Jag Nation is excited to present girls and boys basketball ages 5 and up. Registration closes September 27th.
Play 2 Learn - Little Learners Academy
Ivy Creek will be holding a Little Learners Academy the last Wednesday of every month from 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM for families that are interested.
Book Mobile 5K
We would love to have lots of Ivy Creek families participate in the Book Mobile 5K on November 2nd at 8:00 AM!
Did you miss the Volunteer Interest Meeting? Would you like to volunteer at Ivy Creek? We would love to have you join our team!
Important Transportation Information
Our arrival and dismissal times are extremely busy! Please adhere to the guidelines in our Student Handbook so that we can keep everyone safe.
Lunch Visitors
Beginning August 19th, parents and relatives are welcome to eat lunch with their children on the weeks their class is scheduled to eat in the cafeteria.
Parent Connections
Do you have children who attend Jones Middle School or Seckinger High School? Consider joining these Facebook parent groups!
SKG Softball JagFest
We invite you to participate in the first ever SKG Softball JagFest on Saturday, September 21st, from 10 AM to 2 PM.
Spiritwear Fridays
Wear your Ivy Creek Spiritwear or Seckinger colors every Friday! If you would like to order some of our new spiritwear, visit Spirtwear USA.
We are excited to announce that our school district has adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare.
Right at School
Get information about and sign-up for a new after-school program at Ivy Creek! Register now for Fall 2024!
School Supply List
Plan ahead and make sure your child(ren) has the school supplies they need for the new school year!
Georgia Special Needs Scholarships: SB10 and SB47
Attention parents of students who receive special education services: You may be eligible to request to transfer your child to another school in Georgia.
Resourcefulness | Seckinger Cluster
We are excited about the great work being done in the cluster and to be able to continue building the legacy of the Seckinger Standard.
Cafeteria Workers Needed
If you are interested in working as a School Nutrition Program worker, we have openings at Ivy Creek!
Paying for school meals, fees, exams and activities online is easy with MyPaymentsPlus!
Play 2 Learn and Little Learners Interest Form
Complete this online form to receive more information about our early learning programs, Play 2 Learn and Little Learners Academy.
Find Help Georgia
Find Help Georgia is an easy way for residents to get connected with support, based on our comprehensive directory of local resources that will help strengthen and builds resilience for individuals and families.
Digital Learning Safety Guidelines
Check out to help keep your child's eyes safe during digital learning. Find out the best parental controls for blocking websites and filtering content.
GCPS Foundation WIFI Hotspot
Portable WIFI hotspot with no contract and unlimited data | GCPS Foundation Offer
AKS at Home
AKS at Home provides math and language arts resources to support families, along with live and recorded sessions, tip sheets, and more.
School Bus Drivers Wanted
Join the GCPS team as a School Bus Driver! Apply online at
Gwinnett Hiring Announcement
GCPS is looking for school nutrition workers. Apply at and request Ivy Creek Elementary School.
Our Schedule
School Hours
8:15 AM - 2:45 PM
Arrival begins at 7:45 AM
(Car Riders 7:45 - 8:12 AM)
Dismissal begins at 2:45 PM
(Car Riders 2:45 - 3:10 PM)Office Hours
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
History of Ivy Creek
Get to know your child's school better. Read all about the history of Ivy Creek!
Meet Our Principal
Mrs. Melanie Terris
Ivy Creek Elementary