Peachtree Ridge High School
The Standard of Excellence
- Peachtree Ridge HS
- About the Clinic
Clinic Information and Procedures
Check-Out Policy
The clinic is available for illnesses or injuries that occur DURING school hours. If a student is too ill to remain at school, a parent /guardian will be contacted to pick up the child. The clinic must get parent/guardian permission before releasing any student to anyone other than the parent/guardian, UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY.
Health Management Plan
If a student has a current medical condition, a completed health management plan (available at the clinic) should be on file in the clinic. These forms help provide the medical information needed to provide the best care for your child at school and they must be updated every year.
Administering over-the-counter and prescribed medication at school is discouraged. Parents should check with their physicians regarding the need for medication to be administered during school hours, after school, and at bedtime. There should be no need to send medication that needs to be given only once or twice daily. If a student needs to take prescribed or over-the-counter medications during the school day, a parent /guardian must complete an Administration of Medication Request Form (available at the clinic) and return it with the prescribed labeled medicine or over-the-counter medication.The Clinic Does Not Provide Tylenol, Advil, Antacids, Cold Medication, orAny Other Type of Medication for Students.** All medication must remain in the clinic with the exception of an inhaler or Epi-Pen which requires a Doctor's signature along with the Administration of Medication Request Form (available at the clinic) signed by the parent.
**All medication must be in the original container. Medication in baggies will not be administered. All medication must be picked up at the end of the year by a parent/guardian or it will be disposed of by the school.
Food and Insect/Sting Allergy Forms, Epi-Pens
Epinephrine (Epi-Pen) is a cardiac drug and must be stored in the clinic. If it is medically necessary for an Epi-Pen to be carried by a student throughout the day, rather than stored in the clinic, proper documentation MUST be on file in the clinic. Additional documentation for students requiring an Epi-Pen includes an Allergy Emergency Plan and a Hypodermic Injection Consent, signed by a parent /guardian (forms available in the clinic).
All three forms are needed.
Allergy Emergency Plan Form,
Administration of Medication Request Form AND
Parent's Request and Authorization for Auto-Injectable Epinephrine Form
Asthma Forms, Inhalers
Students carrying prescribed inhalers with them throughout the day must have a Gwinnett County Asthma Plan Form signed by a parent/guardian and a physician on file in the clinic. Forms are available in the clinic.
Asthma Management Plan & Medication FormAND
Administration of Medication Request Form
Seizure Management Plan
Seizure Disorder and for any other Health Conditions that require a Specific Management Plan please contact the clinic at 678-512-6027 or email Adina Indreiu.
The parents have to call the clinic and inform us if their child's test is positive for COVID -19. One of our staff will forward the message to Mr. Sean O'Connor and he will follow up with the parent/ guardian. -
Health and Wellness Resources
Reasons to Keep Your Child Home from School