Peachtree Ridge High School
The Standard of Excellence
- Peachtree Ridge HS
- Important News
News Around The Ridge
ASVAB Testing
There will be two opportunities to take the ASVAB here at PRHS this school year. The first will be this Fall (September 16th), and the second will be held in the Spring (February 12th). To sign up, please scan the QR Code and fill out the form. You MUST be a PRHS Student.
See Mr. Byrd in the testing office (E113) or email him at for more information. -
Attendance is Important to your Academic Success!
Become a mentor! ¡Conviértete en mentor!
Make a difference in your community.Become a mentor!1 out of 3 young people in America are growing up without a mentor. By becoming a mentor, you have a chance to make a difference in the lives of Gwinnett County Students.With a mentor, mentees are:- 52% less likely to skip school
- 78% more likely to volunteer
- 130% more likely to hold a leadership position in a club or sports team
How to become a mentor:- Scan the QR code or go to to complete the online application
- Complete Interview
- Attend training and complete GCPS background check
- Make a one-year commitment to changing lives!
SPANISH VERSIONSe la diferencia en tu comunidad.¡Conviértete en mentor!Uno de cada tres jóvenes en Estados Unidos está creciendo sin un mentor. Conviértase en un mentor y haga la diferencia en la vida de los estudiantes de Gwinnett.Con un mentor, los estudiantes:- Las probabilidades de faltar a la escuela son menores de 52%
- Las probabilidades de que sean voluntarios en actividades en su comunidad aumenta a un 78%.
- Las probabilidades de que ocupen una posición de liderazgo en un club o equipo deportivo sube a un 130%
Cómo puede convertirse en un mentor:- Escanee el código QR o vaya a para completar la solicitud en línea.
- Asista a la entrevista.
- Asiste a la capacitación y completar la verificación de antecedentes de GCPS.
- ¡Haz un compromiso de un año para cambiar vidas!
PRHS PTSA needs you! Membership drive!
It’s not too late to join the PRHS PTSA!
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! We want to register 515 members.
Please register at TOTEM or our PTSA website.
We appreciate YOU and YOUR SUPPORT!
Interested in being a corporate sponsor? See this document for more information.
End Zone Tutoring
The End Zone offers after school study space and peer tutoring. You can learn more about the End Zone on the PRHS website.
Need tutoring? Use this link to sign up for tutoring in the End Zone.