The Assessment Program at Peachtree Ridge can be thought of in three distinct areas: High Stakes Testing (which are mandatory graduation requirements), State and District Developed Assessments (which are usually associated with course completion), and finally, Nationally Standardized Assessments (which are associated with scholarships and post-secondary admission).


  • Gwinnett Writes Exam

    High School Gwinnett Writes


    The purpose of the Gwinnett Writes assessment program is to assess writing skills for each student. An essential component of the program will be writing resources and classroom assessments that will be provided as options for teachers to use in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies for tested grades. Students need consistent writing practice and feedback to develop as writers, and teachers need the resources to support writing instruction to prepare students for summative writing assessments.  

    Gwinnett Writes summative assessments will occur during the third quarter as a language arts assessment with a choice of writing topics from Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The choice of topic will be made by the student within the online platform prior to beginning the assessment. All content teachers will receive information on writing topics in advance of the test administration.

    Click here to learn more about Gwinnett Writes.

  • State Developed Assessments

    Georgia Milestones End of Course Assessments 

    The Georgia Milestones assessments are "end of course" assessments in 8 areas that count 20% of a student's grade in the course.  These exams are not "high stakes" in that a student does NOT have to earn a passing grade on the exam to earn credit in the course.  Currently, the Milestones EOC courses are  Junior Language Arts (American Literature), Biology, United States History, and Algebra.  These assessments are select response (multiple choice) and constructed response (short answer and essay) and are administered primarily online in a computerized format.

    Students will take a Milestones EOC assessment at the end of each semester (December and May here at PRHS).  Milestones (EOC) assessments are also used to validate a student's home school or other non-accredited school grades.  If a student needs to make up Milestones assessment (EOC), they should contact the Assessment Office to schedule an appointment.

    Want to know more about the Georgia Milestones Assessment System?  You can do so by clicking HERE!

  • Nationally Standardized Assessments

    ACT Testing Center #244760

    All registration for the ACT is done online through the ACT website. Students requesting fee waivers for the ACT should check in with the counseling office to determine eligibility. You can get more information about the ACT, including registration, by clicking HERE.

    SAT Testing Center #11156

    All registration for the SAT is done online through the College Board website. Students requesting fee waivers for the SAT should check in with the counseling office to determine eligibility. You can get more information about the SAT, including registration, by clicking CLICK HERE

    Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

    AP Exams for 2023-2024 will be administered May 6th-May 17th, 2024. The exams will be administered at Peachtree Ridge High School. 

    PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test)

    The PSAT is administered once a year nationwide. The administration date for the 2023 PSAT is Wednesday, October 25th, 2023. As its name implies, this is a great assessment to get a baseline of expected performance for the SAT that many students will take. Peachtree Ridge (through a grant from the Georgia Department of Education) offers the PSAT FREE OF CHARGE to all students in a 10th-grade PRIDE and at a charge for any student in a 9th and 11th grade PRIDE. The PSAT is NOT recommended for seniors. Currently, Peachtree Ridge does NOT offer the PSAT 8/9. 

    If you are interested in taking the PSAT, registration for this assessment is done on the MYPAYMENTSPLUS.com website. Only students in 9th and 11th grade PRIDE would need to register on the site as all students in a 10th grade PRIDE are automatically registered. The cost of the exam is $18. Registration is open now through October 3rd at midnight. Students may register as a LATE REGISTRANT (pending enough materials) on the MYPAYMENTSPLUS site through October 13th at midnight at a cost of $25.

    As the PSAT is now administered digitally, students MUST have their fully-charged school-issued Chromebooks with them in order to take the assessment.

    Need more information about PSAT?  Find it HERE

  • Assessment Scores

    District and State Scores

    The easiest way to find scores for most assessments administered at PRHS is to go to the assessment tab in the Parent Portal.  All assessments that have been uploaded will be shown there.  If you need additional information concerning scoring, please contact the Assessment Office at PRHS using the contact links on this webpage.  

    National Standardized Assessment Scores

    Please note that scores for most NATIONALLY STANDARDIZED ASSESSMENTS, like ACT, SAT, PSAT, and AP will be accessed through the respective organizations and are not typically housed at the local school.