- Rosebud ES
- Cafeteria Home
Welcome to the Comet Cafe!
We care about your children, especially their nutrition!
If applicable, please complete the online application to receive lunch assistance.
GCPS Elementary Meal Prices
Refund Request Information
Please complete a Refund Request Form if you are requesting a refund check for the balance of funds in your student's meal account.
***Please remember to disable "Auto Payments" in your account under "Manage Account", and "Manage Autopay" if you don't plan to use the application any longer.***
To transfer funds from one student to another student listed in your account, you can simply log in to your MyPaymentsPlus account and click the "transfer" button listed under "Cafeteria Account Payments".
If you have any questions, you may call or email the School Nutrition Program. Phone: (678) 301-6246 e-mail: SNP.Accounting@gcpsk12.org
Check Writing Policy
Gwinnett County Public Schools SNP utilizes a third-party check recovery processor for checks returned due to non-sufficient funds. All returned items are subject to electronic re-deposit without further notice. A $30 state-authorized collection fee will be assessed on all returned checks and may be drafted from your account electronically. Please make sure your current address and telephone number are included on every check presented to the cafeteria.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.