Dedicated To Excellence In Education
Click here for the GCPS Milestones Webpage and Information.
All students in grades third, fourth, and fifth will complete the GA Milestones.
Here are some study resources for Milestones:
GMAS Third Grade ELA Study Guide (by the Georgia Department of Education)
GMAS Fourth Grade ELA Study Guide (by the Georgia Department of Education)
GMAS Fifth Grade ELA Study Guide (by the Georgia Department of Education)
GMAS Fifth Grade Science Study Guide (by the Georgia Department of Education)
GMAS Online Testing Experience- preview what it will look like when you take the milestones online (must open with Google Chrome)
GaDOE Milestones Website
GMAS Resources Website by GCPS ITI Coach Melanie Rosen (this website has gathered information and resources on GMAS into one place)