Kanoheda Elementary School
Learn Today Lead Tomorrow
- Kanoheda ES
- AKS Curriculum - What is my child learning?
AKS Curriculum and Assessment

About the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) Curriculum
Gwinnett’s curriculum for grades K–12 is called the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) and is aligned to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence in Language Arts (K-12), Mathematics (K-12), and literacy standards for Science, Social Studies, and Technical Education for middle and high school students. The Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) are in place for other content areas. Gwinnett’s AKS is a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for college and 21st century careers in a globally competitive future.
The AKS for each grade level spells out the essential concepts students are expected to know and skills they should acquire in that grade or subject. The AKS offers a solid base on which teachers build rich learning experiences. Teachers use curriculum guides, technology, and instructional resources to teach the AKS and to make sure every student is learning to his or her potential.