Kanoheda Elementary School
Learn Today Lead Tomorrow
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- Kanoheda ES
- Digital Learning Day
Digital Learning Day Procedures for inclement weather days
Digital Learning Day
How will it work for students?
- On the day that school has been canceled, teachers will post assignments on their eCLASS C&I course pages by 7:30 a.m.
- Students will use the My eCLASS student portal to log in to their eCLASS C&I course pages where they will access assignments, resources, and other materials. If the power is out, a student may access the teacher’s course page when power returns. If a student does not have access to a computer or device (tablet, smartphone, etc.), the student can get the assignment once school resumes.
- Student work will be expected to be turned in to the teacher (either digitally or in person), using a school’s process for turning in work following an absence.
Teachers will share additional information with students about Digital Learning Days, including how they will support student learning during the day.