- Knight ES
What is PBIS at Knight Elementary?
PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. It is our school-wide behavior management system that helps students learn behavior expectations. These clear and concise expectations will improve our school climate and allow for effective teaching and learning to take place.
To learn more about PBIS, please visit their website.
At Knight, we use the C.A.R.E. acronym to help our students remember our four behavior expectations.
C.A.R.E. Pledge
Students learn the meaning and behavior expectations of each letter of C.A.R.E. To help students remember, we have a C.A.R.E. Pledge that we recite every day.
STAR Bucks
Knight Students can earn STAR Bucks every day by showing that they C.A.R.E. The bucks can be spent monthly at our Knight P.B.I.S. Store for fun prizes and treats. Every staff member has STAR Bucks that they pass out.
Knight PBIS House System
Knight has a house system to strengthen the school community among grade levels. Students and staff are sorted into one of four houses. Each house has a color and mascot. Throughout the year, students and staff will participate in house days with activities and events.