Our School Vision

  • Knight Vision: 

    To share in the commitment of rigorous and high-quality instruction to meet the needs of every child.

    Our school theme “Team Knight!” is directly aligned with our continued vision and instructional expectations for Knight: to share in the commitment of rigorous and high-quality instruction to meet the needs of every child.

    Instructional Focus:

    • Implement the AKS (Common Mini-Lessons and Assessments)
    • Implement Authentic Literacy (Purposeful Reading, Writing, and Discussion)
    • Implement Effective Instruction (Workshop Model/Gradual Release)

    Knight Mission: 

    To provide a positive, stimulating, and secure environment that empowers the individual to grow socially, emotionally and intellectually in order to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.


    Knight Belief: We believe all kids can learn…

    …and we will establish high standards of learning that we expect all students to achieve. It is our job to create an environment in our classrooms that engages students in academic work that results in a high level of achievement. We are confident that with our support and help, students can master challenging curricula, and we expect them to do so. We are prepared to work collaboratively with colleagues, students and parents to achieve this shared educational purpose (DuFour, 1997a).