Mission: To enrich the creative learning experiences of 4th and 5th grade Art Club members.
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Adamczyk, Dr. Fain, Ms. Head
Description of Activities: Art Club meets every Friday morning at 7:15 a.m. In the art room beginning August 23. Art Club students will use their time and talents to participate in service-learning projects like Chairs for Charity. Students will also develop creativity and leadership skills while having fun with fellow artists! This club is for 4th and 5th graders who have submitted permission slips. This club is a wonderful segue into the Junior Honor Art Society in Middle School and National Honors Art Society in High School!
Local Affiliation: Norcross Elementary
Meeting time & dates: Friday mornings at 7:15 a.m. in the Art room. Art Club begins August 23, 2024