Mission: To promote healthy habits and help build confidence in athletic performance, as well as enhance teamwork skills.
Faculty Advisor: Coach Stancil
Description of Activities: Eagle footwork skills & warm-ups, basketball, wiffle ball, volleyball, soccer, kickball, capture the flag, bean bag slide, flag football, relay races, tagging games, cool downs, and a word of the week!
Local Affiliation: Norcross Elementary School
Meeting Time & Dates: The Norcross Gym on Thursday mornings from 7:30 a.m. - 8:20 a.m. (First bell)
Tentative Meeting Dates: (TBD) September 2024 - March 2025 (Thursday mornings)
*We will announce if there are any changes, or cancellations on the afternoon announcements, or Coach Stancil will let the students know in advance.