Mission Statement
The mission of Norcross Elementary School is to create a world-class learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and excellence in academic knowledge, skills, and behavior for each scholar that will meet or exceed national and global standards.
Vision Statement
Norcross Elementary School will become a world-class school where educators create a community of successful, self-motivated, life-long learners who will become responsible and productive citizens.
Dear parents,Your child’s Free or Reduced eligibility status is set to expire on September 16th, 2024. In order to ensure your benefits are un-interrupted, please go online now to fill out a new free and reduced-priced meal application using this link: https://gwinnett.nlappscloud.comA new application is required every year. Please submit one application per household.Thank you.You can check your child’s eligibility or print your proof of benefits letter here: https://admin.nlappscloud.com/StatusLookup?districtId=1626
Testing for Lead in Water
In December 2023, Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) began participating in the Georgia Department of Education’s statewide “Clean Water for Georgia Kids” program. This program tests all drinking and cooking water taps in schools for lead. Testing began in January 2024 and is scheduled to continue through July. Elementary schools were tested first before moving to middle and high schools.
To be clear, GCPS has no evidence of a widespread problem with the water quality in any school or building. This testing is a proactive measure to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, parents, and community.
According to EPA guidelines, if any test shows lead is present at 15 parts per billion or higher, we will turn off the fixture’s water supply and immediately take action to fix the problem. The fixture will only be used again after a follow-up test confirms the water is safe to drink.
In accordance with our commitment to transparency, test results for each and every school will be available on the Clean Water for Georgia Kids Website.
For more information about our testing program, including the schedule, process, frequently asked questions, and test results, visit the GCPS website, click on Schools, and look for “Testing for Lead in Water.”
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Principal Dr. Kassia Sutton
Norcross Elementary School Building Hours
8:50 AM- 3:20 PM