Dacula Middle School

Serving with Intention

    • 8th Grade ~ CTE Carnegie Unit Connections Courses (1 year commitment)

    • Students that have met the criteria for participation in one or more of Dacula Middle School’s CTE Carnegie Unit Connections courses next school year. If selected for any of these programs, your child will participate as an eighth grader in a yearlong Connections class, which is a high school level course. Upon successful completion, your child may earn a Carnegie Unit/high school credit, which will allow for a tremendous advantage as he/she enters high school. Parents will need to access the Parent/Student Acknowledgment and Commitment Form on the Dacula Middle School website to express interest.

      Though these courses are offered as a Connections class, they should be treated as an academic course due to its content and high level of accountability. We use the same materials and have the same expectations as the high school has for students in this course. A serious commitment and quality study habits are required by students to ensure both short and long-term levels of success. For example, students need to dedicate time outside of class, on a daily basis, to study concepts learned during class.

      Students could have qualified for the following CTE Carnegie Unit Connections courses:

      Foundations of Engineering is the first course in the Engineering and Technology pathway, and also the new Mechatronics Pathway at Dacula High School.  This course covers the History & Evolution of Engineering, the Engineering Design Process, and the application of S.T.E.M. to solve real-world problems.  Students will develop employability skills through research and project-based learning activities. Students will demonstrate and adhere to safety, health and environmental standards related to STEM workplaces. Foundations of Engineering provides an introductory look at becoming an Engineer or Engineering Technician. 

      Qualifying Criteria: Students should have earned at least an 80 average in Science AND Math at the end of their first semester in 7th grade.

      If you have questions concerning this program, please contact our Engineering teacher, Ms. Claire Keyser, via e-mail at claire.keyser@gcpsk12.org

      Introduction to Business and Technology is designed to provide an overview of business and technology skills, such as management and leadership, money management, marketing, and word processing. Students will learn essentials in communications, risk management, as well as various types of technology and employability skills used in the workplace. Introduction to Business and Technology provides an introductory look at becoming a successful business manager, owner, and entrepreneur. Students may have the opportunity to earn the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification in Word, which is a professional certification exam which will go directly on their resume.

      Qualifying Criteria: Students should have earned at least a 75 average in Language Arts AND Math at the end of their first semester in 7th grade.

      If you have questions concerning this program, please contact our Business Education teacher, Mrs. Chenita Mumpfield, via e-mail at chenita.mumpfield@gcpsk12.org

      To be considered for any of these Carnegie Unit credit courses, the following criteria/commitments have been established:

      1. Parents must access the link below to complete an electronic Parent/Student Acknowledgment and Commitment Form no later than Monday, March 18, 2024.  Forms completed after this date may not be considered. 
      2. Students selected for a Carnegie Unit Connections course are required to continue the course for the entire year.
      3. Upon successful completion of the course(s), students may opt to receive a Carnegie Unit credit for high school.

      In the event that there are more qualified students than seats available, students will be selected randomly. 

      ** Please keep in mind that student schedules are not finalized until August. Final course placements will not be available until that time. **

      2024-2025 Carnegie Unit Connections Acknowledgment & Commitment Form

      ** Please note, completion of the Parent/Student Acknowledgement and Commitment Form does not guarantee placement in this program. **