Dacula Middle School
Serving with Intention
- Dacula MS
- Clinic
The Dacula Middle School Clinic
Clinic Contact Information
Clinic Worker: Ms. Dishawn Edwards
Phone: 770.338.4643
About the Clinic
Dacula Middle School maintains a clinic for students. Clinic personnel supervise the administration of medications, assess healthcare needs, and administer emergency first aid when appropriate. When students become ill or injured during the school day, they should report it immediately to a teacher and request permission to go to the clinic. Clinic personnel will contact parents as situations require.
It is imperative that parents update all information in the student information system at the beginning of the school year. It must include current address and phone number, medical conditions, emergency numbers, and a valid parent signature. If changes occur during the year, parents should notify the clinic. Students with conditions which require monitoring during the school day (i.e. asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, severe allergies, seizures, etc.) will need a medical plan completed by a parent/guardian. Please contact the clinic if your student requires a medical plan. Diabetic and allergy plans require more than one form to be completed. If you have any questions about these forms or wish to set up a team meeting to review your child’s plan, please contact the clinic.
To ensure the safety of all students at our school, the following guidelines must be followed when medications are sent to school:
- All medication (prescription and nonprescription) must be taken directly to the clinic, by a parent, for safe storage. Please note that students will not receive over-the-counter medications unless the parent provides the clinic the over the counter medication for their child to take at school.
- All medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, must be accompanied by an Administration of Medication Request Form. This form is available in the clinic or can be printed from our website.
- All medications must be in the ORIGINAL CHILD PROOF CONTAINER. Prescription medications must be in the labeled prescription bottle. Medications stored in baggies, envelopes, etc., will not be administered.
- Administration of prescription and over-the-counter medicine (even for a short period of time) is discouraged. Parents should check with their child’s physician regarding the need for medications to be administered at school. Medications prescribed for three times daily often can be given before school, after school, and at bedtime.
- Medications must be picked up at the end of the school year, or they will be disposed of by the school.