Mulberry Elementary School
Success Rooted in a Community of Learners
- Mulberry ES
- Counselors Corner
Counselor Corner
School counselors are a part of your child's education team who work together with other school personnel to help support your child at school. We work with students' short term one-on-one, in small groups, and in their classroom through our classroom guidance activities. School counselors help parents and teachers better understand their student's social, emotional, and educational needs. We teach skills in leadership, test-taking, decision making, coping, communication, personal safety and protection, positive peer relationships, and career awareness. In addition, school counselors are available to offer support during crisis situations.WHAT COUNSELORS DO
Your child can visit the counselor if he or she is concerned about: making friends, adapting to a new school, classroom behavior, coping with family changes such as a new family member, divorce or death, completing work, being bullied, and anything that interferes with school success.School counselors are advocates on behalf of ALL students.
Student Resources
Make a plan for after school activities. Schedule adequate time for homework, play, and sports.
Scale back TV time. There is never a quiz on what you watched on TV, but maybe for the book, you should be reading!
Establish a family reading time. Reading is for everyone and you may get to be the teacher for younger siblings.
Establish a bedtime for school nights. You should have at least 8 hours of sleep.
Keep a large calendar. Mark each family member's activities in a different colored pen.
Collect important phone numbers. Update friends, parent's work, the school's office, after-school programs, and neighbors.
Create a "homework question" phone list. Determine which classmates you can call when you don't know what to do.
Have a backup plan. Find another adult who will help you if you do not understand your work, like a neighbor or an older sibling.
Spruce up a study space for yourself. Include pens, pencils, a dictionary, and other needed supplies.
Set up a file for school papers. Place all school notices in it so you don't misplace them.
Get in the habit of getting ready the night before school. Set out clothes, pack lunch, and put your backpack by the front door.
Parents: please contact the counselor for resources concerning specific topics -
When to Call a Counselor
If you have a concern about your child and are not sure who to call, school counselors are a good start.
When to call a counselor:
- When your student is having difficulty achieving academically
- When your family changes interfere with academic progress
- When you want to promote educational success and become involved at our school
- When you need help regarding attendance issues
- When you want to discover available community resources and agencies for your student and/or your family
Counseling Services
Classroom Guidance
Counselors see classes on a regular basis. Guidance lessons follow Gwinnett County Counseling Competencies and Standards and address topics such as careers, testing, study skills, decision making, friendship, personal safety, and problem-solving.
Individual Counseling
Counselors see students individually at the request of a teacher, parent or student. Counselors may also make referrals to outside agencies when requested by a parent or when they feel it is necessary.
Small-Group Counseling
Students are referred by teachers or parents to participate in small group counseling. Group topics include family changes, grief & loss, positive behaviors, social skills, self-concept, academic support, and school success.
Counselors consult and collaborate with a number of individuals including teachers, other counselors, school social workers, DFACS, parents, and administrators in an effort to support our students and remove any barriers to learning. -
Parent Information
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
We all share a common goal for our children to be safe and protected from all things harmful. Related to that goal, school counselors are required to present annual personal safety lessons designed to prevent sexual abuse. The Think First & Stay Safe™ program is a research-based program that teaches specific personal safety education by way of interactive classroom lessons, classroom posters, role playing and corresponding activities. Think First & Stay Safe™ enables students to take an active and necessary role in protecting themselves from abuse and exploitation. A committee of professional school counselors reviewed the program and selected components that were developmentally appropriate for elementary students and developed lessons around those concepts.
You can also learn more about the detailed lesson plans and research behind this program at Please be aware that more information is provided on the website than is actually used in Gwinnett County. The plan for Gwinnett includes: the key concepts taught at all grade levels; each grade reviews what was learned in the previous grade(s) and then learns additional lures or tricks. Specifics are provided below:
Key Concepts :
You can use your built-in computer and make safe choices.
People are like the weather. Most are safe, but they can change.
Lures are tricks used to get children away from safe adults and safe place.
Laws help protect children and there are adults who can help you.
Your instincts help keep you safe.
A stranger is someone you don’t know.
Someone may even use threats to trick you.
No one can take away your dignity.
Review key concepts
Pet Lure
Name Lure
1st Grade:
Review key concepts
Assistance Lure
Fun & Games Lure
Affection Lure
2nd Grade:
Review key concepts
Bribery Lure
Friendship Lure
3rd Grade:
Review key concepts
Emergency Lure
Authority Lure
Hero Lure
4th Grade:
Review key concepts
Job Lure
Ego/Fame Lure
E Lure
Drug Lure
5th Grade:
Review key concepts
Review All Lures
Video: Breaking the Silence
If you prefer that your child not participate in the sexual abuse and safety prevention lessons, please write and sign a note indicating your preferences and send it to your child’s teacher. As always, your counselor is available to discuss any concerns you might have. Unless written documentation is received, your child will participate in the sexual abuse prevention and safety lessons.
Angie MacDougall and Nicole Provence
School Counselors
Mulberry Counselors:
Nicole Provence- 678-226-7478 (Direct Line)
Grade Levels: 1st, 3rd, & 5th
Angie MacDougall- 678-226-7487 (Direct Line)
Grade Levels: Kindergarten, 2nd, & 4th