Dacula Elementary School
Dedicated to Every Student
- Dacula ES
- DES Clinic
Clinic Information
General Information
The clinic will provide first aid if students become ill or injured during the day. The clinic will contact the parent or guardian if the situation requires your immediate attention or is a medical emergency. Please make sure that all parent contact information is up-to-date with Dacula ES. Clinic workers supervise the administration of medications, take temperatures, and administer emergency first aid when appropriate.
Is My Child Too Sick for School?
If you answer YES to any of these, please keep them at home!
- Fever of 101 degrees without fever reducing medication
- Must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
- Nausea, reoccurring vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
- Sore throat
- Persistent cough
- Red, inflamed, or discharging eyes
- Any open sore oozing fluid or pus
- Rash with fever or signs of illness
- Suspected impetigo, lice or scabies that is not being treated
- Earache
- Any other unusual signs or symptoms of illness
Prescription Medications
Taking medications during school hours is discouraged. Parents are asked to arrange medication schedules so that it is not necessary for medication to be taken at school. However, if the physician recommends such administration, then the parent must complete the Administration of Medication Request Form and bring it to the school with the medicine. It should be updated yearly. Medication must be in the original prescription container, brought to school by the parent/guardian and must be housed in the clinic. Students may not have medications in their possession or share these medications with others.
List of Gwinnett County School Medical Forms
Medical Forms are available by request from the school clinic.
Contact Info
Clinic Worker
Trish Johnson/ Jill Therrien
Phone Number