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Technology · eCLASS · Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
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The Classroom of the future is found in our classrooms today!
New digital resources that will expand the walls of the classroom are now available to our teachers and students. These resources, which foster collaboration and nurture creativity and innovation, are a part of the eCLASS Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Tool.
So what does that mean for students?
Easy access-- anytime, from anywhere -- to a rich collection of digital resources and an extension to the virtual classroom. With this new online tool, teachers can provide digital content, for enrichment or for extra practice, to meet each student's learning needs. Teachers can set up course pages that link a library of online materials tied to classroom lessons, giving students additional opportunities to learn the material covered in class. Using the MY eCLASS Student Portal and an Internet-connected device, students will be able to check assignments, collaborate with classmates, submit assignments, and even take classroom assessments... 24/7.
How to use my eCLASS C&I Course Pages
Want to learn about how your student is using eCLASS? Need a better understanding of the eCLASS tools that connect your student to the classroom? The eCLASS Cyber Resources page is the right place to start! Click on a link below to learn more about the topic.
- Using your mobile phone to access Course Pages
- How do I create a video message?
- How do I submit a discussion?
- How do I find my course pages?
- How do I use my course page locker?
- How do I submit a quiz?
- How do I submit an assignment?
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Responsible Use of Electronic Media for Students
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) recognizes that the use of technology is prevalent in society. Students and staff have access to the Internet, cell phones, games, and a variety of personal technology devices. Students and staff utilize social media websites and applications as well as a variety of other digital resources that allow them to interact, share, create and innovate. Staff members utilize these same resources as a means to effectively engage students, motivate student learning, and collaborate with colleagues.
When using GCPS technology or network access, students are expected to follow the Student Conduct Behavior Code, including respecting others’ privacy. Online student accounts to be used for legitimate educational purposes will be subject to monitoring and review, including review of text and attachments that are related to that student or students. At NO TIME should a student consider GCPS e-mail, networked applications, or account or technology access private or confidential in any way.
While the school district does maintain Internet filters, there may be times when a student may accidentally or purposefully discover inappropriate materials online. Gwinnett County Public Schools DOES NOT CONDONE the use of such materials. Inappropriate use of GCPS technology or network access is a violation of the Student Conduct Behavior Code.
Access is a privilege, not a right, and all students are expected to treat this learning tool with respect. GCPS technology, network access, and electronic resources must not be used to:
- Harm other people.
- Interfere with other people’s work.
- Steal property.
- Gain unauthorized access to other people’s files or programs.
- Gain unauthorized access to online resources, including using someone else’s password.
- Make changes to the hardware or software configuration of any machine, including installing or deleting any software.
- Improperly use the network, including introducing software viruses and/or bypassing local school or office security policies.
- Steal or damage data and/or computers and network equipment.
- Access, upload, download, and/or distribute pornographic, hate-oriented, profane, obscene, or sexually explicit material.
Failure to follow these guidelines can violate the Official Code of Georgia, O.C.G.A., Codes 16-9-90, 16-9-91, 16-9-93, and 16-9-93.1 as well as Title XVII of United States Public Law 106-554, known as the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Such use can also lead to disciplinary actions, up to and including loss of access to GCPS technology resources and further disciplinary actions as defined by existing GCPS policies. Such disciplinary actions may include confiscation of technology being used inappropriately if an incident occurs.
(from page 24 of the Student Parent Handbook)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
It’s become a buzz phrase in schools across the country. But what does it really mean? How will it affect instruction? And most importantly, as Gwinnett County Public Schools moves in this direction, what do students, parents, and teachers need to know about this topic?
We anticipate students will use their own technology more and more as part of the teaching and learning process. Most Gwinnett schools have active BYOD programs, some in select classrooms and others schoolwide, with more schools adding BYOD access as instructional needs are identified. Students’ use of their personal devices is based on specific instructional needs and how students’ devices will support those needs. Using the school’s Wi-Fi network for Internet access, students can access online tools and instructional content in a filtered, safe, and secure environment. And students can demonstrate their learning through use of multi-media.
BYOD allows students to "power up" their learning and safely expands the walls of our classrooms to increase learning opportunities.
Important Guidelines (from page 24 of the Student Parent Handbook)
Gwinnett County Public Schools is a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) district. This program is designed to support teaching and learning through safe, efficient, and monitored wireless access. If your child’s school or class is participating in BYOD, then students are allowed to bring mobile devices with the expectation they will be used as a supplemental instructional resource. The BYOD access may be limited to certain schools, areas, and zones, based on the school’s identification of instructional need.
To participate in the use of BYOD resources, all users must agree to use the school network when available, and not personal mobile data service providers, on their devices. Using the school network ensures a filtered, appropriate solution that is optimized for BYOD use. GCPS is not responsible for any damages, fees, lost functionality, support, or costs that may be the result of students or staff members participating in BYOD. This is a voluntary program, and students will not be penalized if they do not participate. Whether the device is owned by a parent, student, staff member, or school, the user of the device is responsible for protecting the device at school, on the bus, or at school functions.
Due to the requirement that students must change their passwords each school year, students must go into settings on their device and “forget” the GCPS wireless network at the end of each school year in order to successfully access the network the following school year.
Supplemental Technology and Student Email
GCPS provides access to Google G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 as supplemental resources to the district’s adopted Learning Management System for local schools to use if they wish. GCPS will allow the use and issue student email (Google Gmail) accounts to students for use internal to GCPS only. Students can access the email from any device via the Student Portal. However, for security purposes, students will only be able to send and receive emails to and from other Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Gmail users.
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
COPPA applies to operators of commercial websites and online services and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under the age of 13. COPPA allows the school to act as the parent’s agent and consent to the collection of a student’s information on the parent’s behalf within the educational context— where an operator collects personal information from students for the use and benefit of the school, and for no other commercial purpose. By signing the response form, parents grant consent for Gwinnett County Public Schools, and Gwinnett County Public Schools’ employees, to act as the parent’s agent in providing consent for the collection of student information within the educational context.
More Information for Families