Maxwell High School of Technology is located in the central part of Gwinnett County, Georgia, and serves high school students from all of Gwinnett County Public Schools. Career and Technical Education began in Gwinnett County at Central Gwinnett High School in September, 1966. In 1973, Gwinnett's Career and Technical Education program moved to its present location in Lawrenceville. It was originally called The Career Center. On June 20, 1995, the name of the school was changed to Maxwell High School of Technology in recognition of the school's first principal, Mr. Howard Maxwell.
Our Mission
The mission of Maxwell High School of Technology is founded in educational research on increasing achievement, improving graduation rates, and sustaining student success in post-secondary experiences. The research-based initiatives that Maxwell will undertake include, but are not limited to, awarding of credit based on demonstrated mastery rather than instructional hours, providing a seamless transition for students to college and/or career, and assuring that the faculty represents the highest caliber of professionals with real-life experiences that can be transferred directly to student learning.